From the Life in Australia panel.
Letter of loyalty and support from Greek-Australians for the Australian-British Empire war effort, 1915.
The letter reads:
In the event of Greece going against England and the Allies, we, the undersigned, hereby agree to contribute the whole of our profits to the Red Cross Society as long as the war lasts, or even, the whole business concern, on the understanding that they will be handed back to us at the end of the war.
Greece, with a "German" monarch, was very ambivalent about its allegiances during the early part of WW1. This generated suspicion amongst Australians, and the citizens of other countries deeply loyal to Great Britain. The letter above was designed to assuage these "suspicions".
Graphic from the panel about the book utilised by the Museums and Galleries Foundation of NSW.
Museums and Galleries Foundation of NSW staged the Milkshakes, Sundaes and Cafe Culture exhibition in various venues around New South Wales, Australia, in 2003-2004.
The travelling exhibition enhanced Australian consciousness about the importance of the book Life in Australia.
A free-standing display stand featured in the exhibition. The MGF is the key service agency throughout NSW, Australia, for the Museum and gallery sector.
M&G_PANEL_Life _in _Aus.pdf