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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

2006 Christmas Card

This card was created from photos taken on our summer 2006 trip to Kythera to send out to all of our friends and family.

Top left to right:
Kastro at Milopotamos,
The Church of the Virgin Mary of llariotissa in Potamos,
Odos Koulentianos in Christoforianika
(the street my Yiayia Maria Chlentzos lived on)

Middle Row:
Icon on the ceiling of Agia Elesa,
Porch of cousin Spiridoula Georgopoulos's home in Potamos the morning we arrived.

Bottom Row:
Potamos Market-Sempriviva flowers,
the house in Potamos that my Papou Yiannis Alfieris grew up in.
View of Kapsali from the Kastro.

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