Australians & Greeks Volume 1
Author:Hugh Gilchrist
When Published: 1992
Publisher:Halstead Press
Available from:
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Price: A$60 each incl GST + $10 postage for up to three books, including air post and packaging to anywhere in the world.
Volume 1, The Early Years, detailed and richly illustrated, picks up the story from the very beginning: the ancient Greeks' conceptions of a great continent far to their south. Centuries later, in Australia's convict era, the first contacts are made, paving the way for an influx of gold-rush immigrants, and a pattern of gradual settlement until the eve of World War 1.
Pirates, pashas and paramours, aristocrats and adventurers: all aspects of Greek-Australian inter-relations are recounted - the perceptions, historically, each of the other; the forging of cultural, economic and political links between the two. Immigration, settlement, religion, sport, agriculture, politics: the whole gamut of the Greek-Australian experience is explored, comprehensively, informatively. It is a vital account.
Unearthing many previously unknown documents and photographs, and amply documented to assist the interested reader and future researchers, Hugh Gilchrist's book is a landmark in Australian studies and the life of the Greek community.
"It testimony to the quality of these works, that all three volumes of Australians & Greeks, have remained in print, since the date of publication."
All three Volumes of Gilchrist's monumental work can be purchased from the contacts above.
To gain an insight into Hugh's motivation for writing Australians and Greeks