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Kytherian Cultural Exchange

Gallery Guide at for dedication of the stainless steel sculpture Apollo's Mirror

At the European Cultural Center of Delphi, Greece. Apollo's Mirror was created by Japanese Artist, Masaaki Noda.

Gallery Guide at for dedication of the stainless steel sculpture Apollo's Mirror - Apollo's Mirror Delphi Greece

Mr. Noda makes his home in New York City's Soho. His works are found in museums world-wide.

Mr. Noda first came to Delphi in 1995 with New York/Athens art dealer Takis Efstathiou. kythera-family knows Takis well through his obsession with Japanese - Irish - Hellenic - Lefkadian - Kytherian Lafacdio Hearn.

A dream was launched then to place a sprititual sculpture overlooking the hills and valleys of Delphi. Messrs. Noda and Efstathiou returned to Delphi in 2004 and presented a stainless steel model to the European Cultural Center. Then, with the help of the Center and Mr. Noda's supporters in Japan, New York, and Greece, the result was the installation and dedication of the full scale work in Delphi on February 26, 2005.


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