Letter of thanks and appreciation from the Aged Persons Home
Potamos, Kythera, to, George and Lorraine Poulos, Dover Heights, Australia.
Similar letters were also sent to Ms Linda Brennan, Matina & Manuel Samios, Dr Mitchell Notaras, Peter & Helen Mageros & family, The Nicholas Anthony Aroney Trust, and the Protopsaltis brothers, Makras, George, Michael & John.
The letters were sent in response to receiving a container load of Hospital Equipment from Australia.
Do not ask what Kythera can do for you,
Or even, what Kythera can do for itself...
Ask instead,
What you can do for Kythera...
In the week beginning Monday the 17th September a large 20 foot (7 metre) container (the standard shipping variety) was unloaded on Kythera.
Inside was about $A80,000 (at new prices) of hospital equipment destined for use at the Aged Persons Home, Potamos. The equipment included a number of sophisticated "multi-part-moving" beds, of a variety rarely (if ever) seen on Kythera.
The Project to despatch the equipment had been a joint venture between a number of diaspora Kytherians, and a committed "Aussie" philo-Kytherian:
...George & Lorraine Poulos. (Lorraine was then Director of Aged Services at St. Lukes Hospital, Potts Point. She is now Chief Operations Officer, the Aged Care Television Channel, Australia-wide.)
...Ms Linda Brennan, St. Luke's Care, who co-ordinated the logistics, and arranged to have the equipment delivered to the Frutex factory.
...Matina & Manuel Samios, Bronte & Mitata, true Kytherians & philo-Kytherians.
...Dr Mitchell Notaras, London, who came to Australia, examined the equipment, and determined what type was most needed, and most useful for Kythera.
...Peter & Helen Mageros, & family, benefactors-extrordinaire for Kythera, who picked up the equipment from various locations, stored the goods & packed the container. The family also funded the US$6,500 to ship the container to Athens.
The Nicholas Anthony Aroney Trust, who donated $A2,880, for Customs Duty & Port Charges (Athens), and
...the Protopsaltis family, George, Michael & John; Makras, Kythera, who funded the 1000 euro cost to ship the container from Athens to Kythera.
It is hoped that this visionary initiative might serve as a template for similar projects. Books, (first and second hand), musical instruments, & fire fighting equipment for example, could easily be despatched from Australia or America in the same way.
In the meantime is is hoped that the Hospital equipment that has arrived will provide a tangible benefit for the persons in the Aged Persons Home, for years, perhaps decades, to come?
The group involved in despatching the container also hope that it will provide a "psychological" uplift to the Board, Administrators, Nurses, carers, volunteers, and "friends" of the Aged Persons Home, Potamos, Kythera.
To view/download Congratulations Letter from the Oikos Eiyirias Kythiron, "Kasimateion", (Gerokomeion) - Aged Persons Home, Potamos, as a .pdf: