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Neos Kosmos, Melbourne

Australian Greek runs for mayor of Greek Island.

A former advisor to Jeff Kenett now living in Greece is hoping to become the next mayor of the island of Kythera.

A third generation Australian Greek, Sia Poulos relocated to Greece in the early 1990's after she fell in love with the country during a holiday.

Now married with a six-year old son, Sia, known as Metaxia Georgopoulos (pronounced Yeryo-poulos), is the publisher of a newspaper in Kythera, where she will run for mayor.

Despire being a former member of the Victorian Liberal Party and an advisor to former Premier Jeff Kennett, Sia will run for mayor under the banner of Greece's PASOK party.

The Australian Greek says she believes the centre left policies of PASOK are more in tune with the Liberal Party she was a member of during her time in Australia.

"The Liberals of today are very conservative. Totally different to the Liberal Party of Malcolm FRaser," she told Neos Kosmos.

Neos Kosmos, 19th June, 2006. page 3.

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