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Peter Vanges

Events on Kythera. 1917-1940.

On page 157 in Kythera. A History, published 1993, I summarised very briefly the history of Kythera 1917 - 1940 in the following way:

1917 On 26th February, Kythera was declared an independent state.

1918 General mobilisation and call up of Kytherians.

1918 Gabriel Haros of Levadi imports the first automobile, a Fiat.

1918 Epidemic of the Spanish influenza. Many die.

1921 Establishment of first year of Kythera High School.

1922 Enthronement of Bishop Dorotheos Kotaras.

1922 Kytherian refugees from Smyrna arrive.

1923 The establishment of the sub-branch of the Bank ofAthens at Potamos.

1922-26 Due to unrest throughout Greece the island experiences a difficult period of unemployment and severe depression.

1926 The laying of the foundation stone of the High School of Kythera.

1928 The Anglo-American Bank opens a sub-branch at Potamos.

1929 Kythera is transferred to the administrative authority of Attica (Piraeus).

1930 The first electricity generator operates at Potamos.

1931 The Anglo-American Bank declares bankruptcy with considerable loss for local depositors.

1931 The construction of the town hall of Potamos.

1933 The foundation stone for the construction of the wharf at Agia Pelagia, through the efforts of Panagiotis Koroneos (or Poulakis).

1934-35 The building of “The Patrikios Agricultural College” at Karavas.

1936 Electrification of Hora.

The census of 1940 placed the population of Kythera at 8178 people.
Thousands of Kytherians had already migrated to America and Australia.

Historical details of the events were not subsequently elaborated upon in the book.

The above list provides a good framework for other researchers to investigate in more depth the circumstances surrounding each event.

It is possible, or even, highly likely, that more detailed analyses already exist in the Greek language.

English translations of such newspaper reports, articles, booklets, monographs, or parts of books, would greatly enhance Kytherian knowledge if submitted to kythera-family.net.

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