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Spyro Calocerinos

Lefcadios Hern. Story from Kythera

I am aware that there have been a number of stories on this topic, but this was told to me by the grand-daughter (Mrs.Psychogios) of Mr.Petroheilos (Cleomenis) owner of the house in Hora, where Roza Kassimatis - Lefcadio's mother - was born.
She had met Charles or Carl Hern, who was an Irish doctor, posted in Kythera by the British Government. Against her parent's wishes, she married Hern and soon after was posted in Lefcada, where they both went.
Their first child was Georgios-Robertos who died around twelve months after his birth, and that was two months before Lefcadios was born, who also was given two names - Patrick and Lefcadios. Later they had another child whom they named Daniel James.

The parents did not live together for too long. The father went to England and later Roza followed. She was treated badly by his family and also her husband.
He then divorced Roza and sent her back to Greece, but he kept the children.
Lefcadios was four years old then and the Hern family would not allow any communication with the mother. Rosa, went to England trying to see her children, but she was not allowed.

Lefcadios was brought up by his father's aunt and after a lot of youth misbehaviour, he went to the United States Of America and then to a number of other countries. Finally he went to Japan where he became famous mainly writing about his life story, and the different cultures. He then married a Japanese lady and used her name, Jacomo Koizoumi.

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