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Peter Makarthis

Liberation of Greece 1944

Ceremony at Cenotaph
A very dignified and solemn ceremony was enacted at the Inverell Cenotaph on Friday morning when the liberation and defence of Greece was celebrated by the Greek community of Inverell.
This was in conformity with the express desire of the Greek Church and high authorities, namely that in all towns and villages, large or small, commemoration should be made of the of the great fight put up
by the Allied Nations for the relief of Greece, as well as thankfulness to Almighty God for such a wonderful happening.
At five minutes to eleven therefore on Friday, there was a representative gathering at the Cenotaph in Inverell. The Mayor, Ald.Dr.T.S.Punch had associated with him the Deputy Mayor (Ald. Brooks), Mr.C.S.Inch (Town Clerk); Mr.J.A.Gilroy (representing Macintyre Shire), Mr.W.K.Earls (representing the Government), Mr.Harold Brisset (Returned Soldiers League), Mr Horace Hills (Chamber of Commerce); Mrs Earls (Red Cross Society), Mrs Manning (VAD), Dr. Vernon (Medical Profession), Sergeant Toone (Police Force), Mr Twyford (2NZ Broadcasting Station); Mr Roger Nasser (VDC). Also represented was the Country Womens Association together with several private citizens. Standing at attention around the Cenotaph were members of the soldier services, the military, and the air force and the navy, while the Air Training Cadets were represented by Sergeant Hopper.
As the town clock struck eleven chimes, Mr Steve Mitchell, a returned soldier of the last war; placed a magnificent wreath on the monument. The Mayor immediately asked for two minutes silence in honour of those who lost their lives in battle. The wreath which fully measured three feet across was a beautiful tribute of the Greek Community in Inverell, it was composed of a variety of lovely blooms, artistically combined and finished with streamers of pale blue and white, the colours of Greece. A card attached bore this inscription ‘”In Scared Memory of those Greek, Australians, and other Allied soldiers who gave their lives in the defence and liberation of Greece”
The dainty Greek flag* of pale blue and white was flown at half mast at the Town Hall until the conclusion of the ceremony after which it was flown at full mast.
The Greek Community, as a tangible token of thankfulness sent a large amount of ice cream for distribution to the patients in the District Hospital on Friday.
All the Greek business houses closed for one hour on Friday in memory of fallen ones and thankfulness for deliverance.
From Inverell Times 30 October 1944

* This flag was hand made during 1941 by Mrs Sophia Phacheas(, the mother of Beatty Psaros. This flag was used at numerous functions when funds were raised for the Greek War Relief Fund. This flag is now in the possession of Mrs Deanna(Sophia) McCarthy-nee Psaros - the grand daughter of Mrs Sophia Phacheas.

Liberation of Greece.

“ Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Psaros, Mr. and
Mrs. Steve Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs
Fardouley, Mr. and Mrs Zantis, Mr
and Mrs Fatseas and Mr. Con
Damianakis, who together constitute
The Greek community of Inverell
desire to thank all those who so readily
participated and joined with them in
the ceremony on Friday last on the
occasion of the liberation and defence
of Greece. Those who took the salute
at the cenotaph were Captain Gibbs
(P.O.W.Depot), Lieut. Parnell (Area
Officer ) , Sergt. Vickery and First-
Class Stoker J.K.Krause. Cr Geo.
Makim and Mr Hayne (Manpower
Officer) were also present.
Appreciation is expressed to Mr. Twyford
Manager 2NZ broadcasting station
who gave every possible help in the
announcements over the air.”

From Inverell Times 3 November 1944


Flying Officer William Gengos (
Tobruk 12 August 1942

Private Steleanos Gengos ( )
El Alemain 1 September 1942

Peter Makarthis
Inverell NSW Australia

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