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Gilgandra Weekly

Mrs Chris Kellys 90th Birthday

Mrs Crisannthe "Chris" Kelly, (nee, Georgopoulos) - (pronounced Yeoryopoulos) was born in Potamos, Kythera, on the 17th January 1910.

Local identity Mrs Chris Kelly was guest of honour at a 90th birthday after­noon tea held at the Gilgandra Bowling Club on Saturday January 15, 2000.

Over 350 people from Gilgandra and district, Dubbo, Sydney, Canberra and London were in attendance, and as mas­ter of ceremonies Bob Jackson said, “these were only some of the many friends who have known and loved Nanna Kelly since she came to Gilgandra in the l930s.”

Many tributes were paid by various guests to Mrs Kelly and her late husband Paul who for many years ran the ABC Cafe.
Mrs Kelly responded in her usual quiet and gentle manner. Further to this was a list of over 100 people who were unable to attend due to other commitments on the day.

Among guests who travelled to help celebrate this great milestone were Theo Kelly from Sydney, George, Jan and Jessica Kelly, who came from London, as did Jonathan Aird her grandson. Grandaughters Eleyna Beed (Lane Cove) and Kristi Ulgiati (Dubbo) accom­panied by their husbands Stuart and Dean and great grand children Nicholas Beed and Georgia and Isabella Ulgiati were also present. Unfortunately her two other grand­daughters Nicole and Kate ‘Kelly were unable to attend due to work commitments in England.

Her Godchildren Phyllis Phychogios and husband John from Canberra, travelled up and back on the same day to share the special occasion. Nick Matis and his wife and sister who came from Sydney as well as the Lorandos, Poulos, Cassimatis and Calo­pedis families were also in attendance. It was a family reunion with extended family of Gilgandra people who have known Mrs Kelly making it a truly spe­cial occasion.

A delicious afternoon tea was served by the ladies of the CWA Evening branch who very kindly donated their services as a gesture of appreciation and respect for the many years of service Mrs Kelly has given to the citizens of Gilgandra.

The gratitude of the entire family was expressed on the afternoon to these won­derful ladies.

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Stella Aird (nee, Kelly)
on 22.08.2005

Sincere thanks May I, through your paper extend my sincere thanks to the people of Gilgandra and district for their wonder­ful kindness and respect for our mother, Mrs Chris Kelly. We were quite overwhelmed by the response to our invitation to Mum’s 90th birthday celebrations when so many people came along to wish her well and the cards which arrived from those who could not be there num­bered over 200. Our special thanks to the Gilgandra Bowling Club staff who coped with the crowd in an exceptional man­ner and to the ladies of the CWA Evening branch who made sure that everyone had sufficient to eat and drink during the afternoon and gave their time freely to ensure the success of the celebration. We knew our mum was special but the words of the speakers on the day and the response from the citizens of Gilgandra showed she is held in great esteem and is very much loved by so many other people as well. Our sincere thanks again, Stella Aird, George and Theo Kelly and families 27th January, 2000.