Passengers Embarking Port Said on Regina D'Italia 1924
Greeks Regina D’Italia 1924
The list of passengers who embarked at Port Said Egypt on the Regina D'Italia.
This list includes all nationalities. Some of the names included are those that survived the Smyrna 1922 incident
Passengers embarking Port Said arriving Fremantle WA 24 Sep 1924
AKSARLIS, Orestis to Melbourne
AMARAETE, Rierre to Sydney
ANDRAKIS, Alessandro to Fremantle
ANTOINE D, Platis to Adelaide
ANTONION, Demetrius to Melbourne,
APOSTOLO, Caravachi to Adelaide
APOSTOLO, Vavatos to Melbourne
ARGHISIS, Eleni Hagi to Sydney
ARGOULIS, Nicolas to Adelaide
ARNOLD , Polina to Sydney
ARVANITOS, Atanasios to Melbourne
ATTANASI, Umberto to Fremantle
AVGHIRIS, Nicholas to Sydney
BACHADORIS, Dimitrio to Sydney
BILLIS, Athanassi N to Sydney
BILLIS, Nicholas to Adelaide
CALLIATSATO, Gerassimo to Melbourne (R)
CAMINIS, Christoforos to Sydney
CARAMBANUS, Demetre to Sydney
CARAPETACOS, Aristotel to Adelaide
CARDASSIS, Georges to Adelaide
CASSIMATIS, Dimitrius to Sydney
CASSIMATIS, Evangelo to Sydney
CATTAVENON, Filipos to Adelaide
CHARALAMBOS, Jacovis to Fremantle
CHRISTAKIS, Demetri to Sydney
CHRISTAKIS, Licourgue to Sydney
CHRISTODOULOS, Christos to Sydney
CHRISTOFORON, Efstratia to Sydney
CHRISTOFOROS, Caminis to Sydney
CHRISTOPHIS, George to Sydney
COGLANARIS, Constantine to Adelaide
CONDON, Maria to Sydney
CONROUPIS, Costantino to Melbourne
CONSTANTINON, Stavros M to Melbourne
DE ROROS Michel to Adelaide
DEMETRIDES, Panayotis to Melbourne
DEMETRIOUS, Manes M to Melbourne
DEMOSTENE, Simeon to Sydney
DIMITRIS, Stathis to Fremantle
DIMITRIS, Z Stergion to Fremantle
DRAGOUMIS, Dimitrios to Sydney
EFSTATIOS, Manisal to Adelaide (R)
ELEFTANRION, Spiro to Melbourne
ELIAS, Criticos to Adelaide
ELIAS, Antonas to Adelaide
ELIAS, Antonias to Adelaide ( possible double entry?)
ELIAS, Efstathiasa, to Adelaide
ELIAS, Maria, to Adelaide
ERSTRATIA, Callion to Fremantle
FATSEAS, Nicolas to Sydney
FATSEAS, Yulius to Sydney
FERMANI, Chrisanti to Sydney
FERMANI, Spiro C to Sydney
FETER, Abraham to Melbourne
FILIPPO, Michele to Adelaide
GEORGIS, Harantzos to Fremantle
GERAKITI, Stamataki to Sydney
GIOVANNI, Couzzouris to Adelaide (R)
GREEMBERG, Joseph to Fremantle
HABER, Natan to Fremantle
HADJPETRON, Nicolas to Melbourne
HAGIAPOSTOLI, Vasili to Adelaide
ISRAEL, Saphira to Fremantle
JASSON, Peridis to Fremantle
KATAKHAURAS, Yean N to Sydney
KAVOURIADAS, Konstantin to Adelaide
KAVOURIADIS, Leonidas to Adelaide
KERAMIAS, Andreas to Adelaide
KIRIACO, Kayistefanos to Adelaide
KOKINAS, Constantin to Adelaide
KOKODIS, Panayoti to Sydney
KONTAKIS, Constantin to Sydney
KONTSOURIS, George N to Adelaide
KOTSAS, Erini to Sydney
KOTSOA, Giovanni to Sydney
KOTZOUCO, Giacomo to Adelaide
KRAMOPOULOS, Vassilis to Adelaide
LATHAUROS, Vangelos to Sydney
LAUTHAURAS, Demitris to Sydney
LEONARDOPOULOS, Christos to Sydney
LOUPIS, Dimitriaus to Adelaide
MACERAS, Panagioti to Adelaide
MACHLIS D, Nicolas to Adelaide
MAINAS, Antonio G to Sydney
MANES M, Demetrios to Melbourne
MANGARONIS, Yean to Sydney
MARCUCCI, Guido to Fremantle
MARIANTHIE, Antonio to Fremantle
MARIANTHIE, Fhtlippon(?) to Fremantle
MARICCLITIS, Michel to Melbourne
MARINIC, Spiro to Sydney
MATERA, Antonio to Fremantle
MAVRIKAKIS, Mikali to Adelaide
MAVROMMATIS, MPanos(?) to Adelaide
MERCUDIS, Emmanuele, to Adelaide
MICHELE, Mura to Adelaide
MORIATIS, Tzanetos to Melbourne
MOSCHOVAS, Sonnatis to Melbourne
MPILIAS, Theodore to Adelaide
MUZALIAS, Chiriaco Y to Adelaide
NICHOLASSO, Stavroula to Sydney
NOAY STEPANOS, Catina to Adelaide
ORFANON, Lucas to Adelaide
PANAYOTIS, Papalajaio,(?) to Fremantle (R)
PANAYOTON, Pierre to Sydney
PANTAZIS, Elia N to Sydney
PAOLO, Serti to Fremantle
PAPAPIOLO, Georges to Adelaide
PASTAMATI, Georges to Adelaide
PAUTAZIS, Constantin, to Adelaide
PERDIKARIS, George to Melbourne
PERGANTIS, Elias to Adelaide
PETSAKKOU, E Georgion to Melbourne
PIKINIS, Homere to Melbourne
PLATIS, Emmanuele to Adelaide
POLINA, Arnold to Sydney (double entry)
PROTOPSALTI, Spiridon to Sydney
PROVATARIS, Andres to Adelaide
SARANTON, Panayoti to Adelaide
SARAVAKOS, Nicola to Adelaide
SARRI, Costa Emm to Sydney
SAVASTANO, Umberto to Fremantle
SFIDANIOS, Elefterios to Sydney
SHLOME M, Greemberg to Fremantle(R)
SIGRIOSA, Maria to Sydney
SOTIRAKIS, Constantin to Melbourne
STAMASULIO, Michel to Sydney
STAMATIS, Driekakis to Adelaide (R)
STAMOULI, Spiro to Adelaide
STATHATOS, Lucianus to Sydney
STELLANO, Guiseppe to Fremantle
TETOPACULOS, Cosmas to Sydney
THEODOROPOULOS, Giorges to Sydney
TRATRAS, Yean to Adelaide
TROULLA, Demetre to Adelaide
TSARNAS, Christos to Adelaide
TSILINICOS, George to Adelaide
VALCONDES, Manuel to Melbourne
VENERI, Sophia to Sydney
VENERIS, Panayoti to Sydney
VERDOUKAS, Antonius to Sydney
VIOLARI, Ch K V , to Melbourne
VLANDIS, Spiro to Sydney
WALKEMBERG, Waldemar to Sydney
YEAN, Glakousy to Adelaide (R)
YEHEZIEL, Goldstien to Melbourne (R)
YOANIDIS, Christos to Melbourne
YOKARIS, Georges to Sydney
ZACHATIA, Aliferis to Sydney (R)
ZADELE, Panayoti to Melbourne
ZAGLANIKIS, Georges to Sydney
ZEISSMAN, Moris to Melbourne
Additional Notes
(R)denotes possible reversal of name.
Unfortunately there are some inaccuracies recording names. Italians recording Greek names in their own style when boarding at Port Said, exacibated by Australian migration officers transferring them to English at Fremantle 1924, further complicated by casual staff in Western Australia digitizing them for National Archives. A few names appear to have been double entries where the christian or first name has been confused as the surmane - I have marked the all too obvious (R).
Peter McCarthy
May 2009