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George Poulos

Venus - the PLANET - Transit of Venus [Jun 8, 2004] - the view across the Sydney Harbour Bridge

Venus - the PLANET - Transit of Venus [Jun 8, 2004] -  the view across the Sydney Harbour Bridge - Venus Transit Sydney Harbour climbers

"Its a pretty big turnout for a dot..."

Venus, the PLANET, was named after the Romanised version of Kythera's goddess - Aphrodite.

I regard Venus as Kythera's planet.

It is fitting that the occurence of the transit of Venus across the face of the Sun, has focused the attention of the entire world onto Kythera's planet.

The above is a very clever photograph taken by David Finlay, with the Sydney Harbour Bridge in foreground, amongst Bridge climbers, and Venus slowly wending its way across the face of the Sun in the background.

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