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Jean Michaelides

Nicholas Laurantus, last letter published in the Sydney Morning Herald, 1979. Nicholas criticized Greek migrants who complained about their new country.

"It is well known that very many migrants only paid a token of their fare and on arriving here were automatically granted every privilege, benefit and freedom granted to the native-born.

Here, we have our churches, schools, newspapers, brotherhoods, societies, the right to naturalize or acquire business or property. All those things are protected by the renowned British justice, but above all we are endowed with one of the best educational systems in the world — free.

The result of this education now enriches the Australian community with thousands of accomplished Greek professional men.

Only recently the Federal Government allocated $50 million for the re-education of migrants. I advise Mr Zangalis to learn the real meaning of the Australian expression ‘fair go'.

Page 86, Jean Michaelides. Portrait of Uncle Nick. A Biography of Sir Nicholas Laurantus MBE. Sydney University Press, Sydney. 1987.

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