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Terry Chlentzos

WW2 Vmail correspondence, April 22, 1944

There was no real secret to the v-mail process; in fact it was simple, the soldiers wrote their letters on a form provided and it was then photographed onto microfilm which was simply flown to the USA. A reel of 16mm microfilm could contain 18,000 letters and in terms of bulk and weight the roll of film took up only a fraction of what 18,000 real letters would take. Upon arrival in the USA the letters were printed from the film and then posted onward to the addressee.

These letters were written by my uncle Philip Chlentzos in the months prior to his death in combat in July, 1944

The text reads:

Somewhere in the British Isles

Dear Pete,
I got your long typewritten letter yesterday & was glad to again hear from you.
I'm still in the best of health, find nothing to worry about and having a lot of fun when I get the chance.
I'm glad to learn you again made the highest physical fitness rating for officers on the post. Remember I used to chin myself 33 times? I might be able to surpass that if we trained that way. EVen with a full field pack on my back-- HAW!
I haven't heard a thing about that play writing contest. Seems to me they've forgotten all about it. I have the original here and I might send it to you later on to keep for me. The real McCoy though is lying somewhere near the judges itching to be read but alas--HO HUM!
Please don't think I'm trying to get away frm writing a lot to you by writing V-Mail. I haven't and won't have the usual time to write long letters. However, do continue writing me those long letters cause I enjoy every one from you.
Well, Pete, closing time again. Say hello to Helen for me, and also to her folks when you see them. "Got some gum YANK?" HAW!
Brother Phil

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