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Terry Chlentzos

WW2 Vmail correspondence, March 5 1944

There was no real secret to the v-mail process; in fact it was simple, the soldiers wrote their letters on a form provided and it was then photographed onto microfilm which was simply flown to the USA. A reel of 16mm microfilm could contain 18,000 letters and in terms of bulk and weight the roll of film took up only a fraction of what 18,000 real letters would take. Upon arrival in the USA the letters were printed from the film and then posted onward to the addressee.

These letters were written by my uncle Philip in the months prior to his death in combat in July, 1944.

The text reads:

Dear Pete,
I received your v-mail letter of Feb. 22 esterday, and was again very glad to hear from you.
I was indeed very surprised to hear about Angelo being shipped overseas. I guess that's why I haven't been hearing from him these past few months.
No, I haven't received a picture of Sandra yet, and I surely wish someone would send me a picture of her.
Inquire at the house and find out if anyone has already sent one to me. If not, see if you can send me one, ok?
I haven't been having fun-- only when I'm given the chance. Of course everyone usually exposes his usual gripe, and that undoubtedly keeps the soldier going. I find it humorous listening to the fellas bash, and keeping myself ingood condition leaves me no worries. I, too, gripe at times but why should I be different. HAW! HAW!
While on the Atlantic, one fella slightly scared said, "Suppose a sub happened by and torpedoes us, what would you do?" I said, "What the hell, Joe, we're all on the same boat."
One guy here said he was going to carve out a new career for himself after the war-- he's going to start chiseling.
Well, Pete, It's about all for now. It's always good to hear from you and please keep it up.
Say hello to Helen for me. So long. Your brother, Phil

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