Kytherian Society of California & Kytherian Genealogy Project - Genealogy GLOBAL ZOOM - March 11, 2023 (March 12 in Australia)
Please register by clicking here: https://forms.gle/DgiSWiH3ZDoUqxbK6
Saturday, March 11 / Sunday, March 12, 2023 (Australia)
Saturday, March 11,, 2023
12:30 p.m. San Francisco / Los Angeles
2:30 p.m. Chicago / Little Rock / St. Louis
3:30 p.m. Baltimore / Boston / New York / Toronto
5:30 a.m. Asuncion
8:30 p.m. Dublin / London
9:30 p.m. Berlin / Paris
10:30 p.m. Athens / Cape Town
Sunday, March 12, 2023
4:30 a.m. Perth
6:30 a.m. Brisbane
7:00 a.m. Adelaide
7:30 a.m. Sydney / Melbourne
Who doesn't love genealogy?
What do you know about your Kytherian ancestors?
What would you like to learn about them?
Do you know the Kytherian villages of your grandparents and great grandparents?
What about your great grandparents and beyond?
This ZOOM's main topic is sharing about our ancestors and finding connections.
Feel free to share your knowledge about your ancestors and ask about missing information for other relatives.
With 10 years of research into Kytherian family history Amalia Samios and Kalie Zervos from the Kytherian Genealogy Project may be able to answer your questions! Please note, their research includes individuals born on Kythera prior to 1922.
If you have a specific question, add it on the form below.
Amalia and Kalie will address as many questions as they are able to answer.
We have added questions about your ancestors that may facilitate connections with others and see how we may all be related. (These are not mandatory, but may help you to connect with others during or after the ZOOM).
We would love to have a few people share some interesting stories about their ancestors from Kythera. If you would be willing to share, please check the box in the form below.
Do you have any interesting artifacts, photographs, or mementos from your ancestors from Kythera? If so, have them handy that day so you can share with the group. We will take a group photo and you can show it in the photo as well.
In addition, Helen Tzortzopoulos, FMK President, will make a special appearance to provide us with updates on happenings in Kythera and we will enjoy time chatting together, and in small group breakout rooms.
Feel free to pop in and out as your time permits.
Visit the KSOCA website: http://www.ksoca.com
Visit the Kytherian Genealgoy Project by Amalia Samios and Kalie Zervos: http://www.kytheriangenealogy.com
We hope to see you there!