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Denise Barsoum

Annette George. Born: 4-10-57 - Died: 27-5-2005.

In Loving Memory - of Our Dear Friend,


May 2005

Annette you had a colourful personality, sometimes joyful other times angry, sometimes daring other times stubborn, sometimes passionate other times obsessive sometimes brave and open-minded other times self-determined yet always ready to smile.

You loved to communicate, to be heard, to share and to listen. Your deepest and greatest desire was to bring your family to salvation, to spread the love of Our Lord, Jesus Christ to each other and everyone, to encourage them to worship Him more fully. Your devoted mum, Nell, in her steadfast faith knew what that meant. She walked the talk in patience with amazing grace.

Annette was a deep, sorrowful person and in her heart laid the seeds of a compassionate, caring, sensitive soul who had a heart for all who came her way. She would embrace them and give them a piece of her life, the vibrant and the salient.

When our paths crossed, three years ago, Annette was afflicted with cancer. Her choice to walk with her Lord and not with medical convention was a brave and courageous step. Medical prognosis gave her 40% chance of possible recovery instead she chose quality of life. Annette crammed 10 years of activity, soul searching, spiritual development, healing, reconciliation, concerts, outings, friendships into three.

She connected with everyone and anyone who smiled back at her. It was in her smile and grief-stricken eyes that Jesus Christ’s spirit could be felt. Her pain was real but silent, her need for love, validation and understanding surfaced as the months drew nearer to her leaving the earth plane.

Consumed by cancer, however, in her own words "consumed by satan’s curse over my life", she grew weaker in health. Yet she continued to trust in her healing and deliverance, an inspiration to all. As we would say, she fought the good fight. Psalm 78:1-8

In the eyes of the world she "messed up" , but in the eyes of God, she soared to great heights; to be closer to Jesus Christ: to seek Him; to hear His words of love, comfort and reassurance. Even until her last breath she didn’t think He loved her. I know in my heart of His deep love for her and only now will she understand her true calling over her life.

In Wisdom’s Walk.

Don’t run away from death, face it with courage and fortitude
For it is only a transition to a newer and fuller eternal life.
No need to hurry one’s death, instead walk with them
For you can never recapture the person once they are gone.
Don’t think of the hardships and struggles
but of the freedom these bring with memories of victory.
When someone is beyond physical healing on this earth
remember to allow them time to grow and strengthen their eagle wings
so they can fly and soar above the sky and not grow faint.
I thank God for giving Annette extended time over her life to do just that,

May you remain in peace and love;
until we meet again my forever friend

On behalf of those who knew you,
They will surely miss your smile, laugh and colourful personality now at peace in God’s care.

with love denise barsoum
and your sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus

Don't Grieve

Don't grieve for me now I'm free,
I'm following the path God laid for me.
I took his hand when I heard him call.
I turned my back and left it all.
I could not stay anothyer day,
To laugh, to work, to love, to play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way
I found that place at close of day.
If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
Ah, yes, these these I too shall miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow.
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My lifes been full, I savoured much,
Good friends, good times, a loved ones touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief.
Don't lengthen it with undue grief.
Lift up your heart, and share with me.
God wanted me now; He set me free.

Calligraphy by Pauline Stone

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