John Nicholas Comino
Born in Sydney, on the 28 March 1951.
His parents were Nicholas John Comino & Garyfallia Comino (nee, Kontakos).
His paternal grandfather was John Kominos who was known as the Oyster King and migrated to Australia from Kythera in 1884 on board the Potosi joining his brother Athanassios who had migrated in 1879.
Biographies of John D and Athanassios D Kominos
Grandfather John Kominos, was instrumental in writing and publishing the Book; Life in Australia, in 1917.
Hugh Gilchrist's history of the publication of Life in Australia
The family village is Perlengianika near Lianianika in Kythera and the nickname (paratsoukli) is Skordilis.
John Comino (the grandson) was educated at Sydney Grammar School between 1956 and 1968.
He then studied Law through the University of Sydney Law Extension Committee and the Solicitors Admission Board.
He was admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales in June 1974, and has been practising continuously since that date.
He became a Solicitor of the High Court of Australia in 1975.
He was admitted as a Notary Public by the Archbishop of Canterbury in England in 1985.
He qualified as a trained Mediator in October 1996.
In September 1995, he was elected as a Local Government Councillor to Woollahra Municipal Council (in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs).
In 1999 and 2004 he was re-elected to Woollahra Council and has served on major Committees both as Councillor and Chairman. These Committees include the Urban Planning Committee, Development Control Committee, Strategic Planning Working Party and Legal Committee.
From 2001 to 2004 he served as Mayor of Woollahra Council, having become the first person of Greek Descent to be elected either as Councillor or Mayor to that Council.
In 2003, he joined the Board of the Hellenic Club, Sydney, (established 1926), and in 2004, was elected to the Office of President.
He is married to Elly, and they have two children, a daughter Jana born in 1987, and a son Christopher born, 1988.
Last year he had the honour of being invited to deliver a Paper on Kytherian Identity, at the First International Symposium of Kytheraismos, held on Kythera.
John Comino's paper on Kytherian Identity.
John maintains a law practice in Bondi Junction.