Kyriakos D Kentrotis
Nationality: Greek
Date / Place of Birth: June 27, 1962 / Molai
Office Address: Ionian University, DFLTI Megaro Capodistria,
491 00 Corfu
Position: Senior Assistant Professor, European Relations & German Translation, Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting (DFLTI), Ionian University, Corfu
Kytherian Background
I was born in Molai, Greece. I am Kytherian through my father, and am registered in his village - Fratsia.
In Fratsia we are also related to persons with the name Kentrotianika.
We have many relatives in the cities of Melbourne and Brisbane, Australia.
Είμαι Κυθήριος από την οικογένεια του πατέρα μου και συγκεκριμένα από τα Φράτσια. Μάλιστα, στο χωριό υπάρχει και συνοικία με το όνομα Κεντρωτιάνικα (κάποτε, τον 19ο αώνα ήταν και Δήμος). Εγώ, δεν γεννήθηκα στα Φράτσια, αλλά είμαι γραμμένος στα Μητρώα Αρρένων της πρώην Κοινότητας Φρατσίων (σήμερα Κυθήρων). Υπάρχουν αρκετοί συγγενείς με το ίδιο επίθετο στη Mελβούρνη και στο Brisbane
1991 Ph.D., University of Kaiserslautern/F.R.Germany
1985 Degree in Political Science, Department of Political Science, University of Athens, Greece
2000 Assistant Professor, DFLTI, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece
1996-00 Teaching and Research Fellow, DFLTI, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece
1992-00 Research associate, Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece
English, German, French, Italian, Bulgarian
Member of Special Research Fund
Member of DFLTI' s Library Supervising Committee
2003, Theseus and the Minotaur: The thread of CFSP and external relations of the EU, Geolab Library Series, Papazissis Publishers, Athens, 338 p. (in Greek).
2002, K. Kentrotis / S. Katsios, International Organizations. Between War and Peace, Papazisis Editions, Athens, 487 p. (in Greek).
2001, «Minorities and Politics in the Balkan Nations: Images and Stereotypes», Hellenic Quarterly, No 10, Athens, 55 - 58.
2000, «Bulgaria and the Question of Kossovo» in V. Karakostanoglou. K.Kentrotis, E. Manta, S. Sfetas, Kosovo and the Albanian Populations of theBalkans, Institute for Balkan Studies (257), Thessaloniki, pp. 361-384 (in Greek).
1999, Aeronautical Manoeuvres in the Aegean Sea. Greece-Turkey: International Law and Geopolitics, Proskinio Editions, Athens, 247p. (in Greek).
1998, «The Geopolitics of Energy in Southeastern Europe. The Case of Oil and Gas Pipelines», Balkan Studies, vol. 39/2, Thessaloniki, 323-338.
1998, «Greece and Bulgaria at the Crossroads of two centuries: From the Experiences of the Past to the Challenges of the Future», Journal of Modern Hellenism, vol. 15, New York, 31-50.
1997, «International Status of Minorities: the Case of the Balkans», Balkan Studies, vol.38/2, Thessaloniki, 355-373.
1995, «Bulgaria»,Th. Veremis (ed.), Balkans. From the Bipolar System to the New Age, Athens, ELIAMEP & Gnosi Editions, 219-433 (in Greek).
1995, «Myths and Realities about Minorities in Greece: The Case of the Moslem Chams in Epirus», Lyubov Grigorova-Mincheva (ed.), Comparative Balkan Parliamentarism, International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations, Sofia 1995,149-155.
1995, «The Macedonian Question as presented in the German Press (1990-1994)», Balkan Studies, 36/2, Thessaloniki, 319-326.
1994, «Echoes from past: Greece and the Macedonian Controversy», Mediterranean Politics, Vol.1, 85-103.
1994, «Der Verlauf der griechisch-albanischen Beziehungen nach dem II. Weltkrieg und die Frage der muslimischen Tschamen», Balkan Studies, 34/2, Thessaloniki, 271-299.
1993, B. Kondis/K. Kentrotis/S. Sfetas/Y. D. Stefanides (eds.), Resurgent Irredentism: Documents on Skopje "Macedonian" nationalist aspirations (1934-1992), Institute for Balkan Studies (251), Thessaloniki 1993, 68 p.
1991, Militaerische Manoever im Mittelmeer. Zur voelkerrechtlichen und politischen Problematik zwischen Kuestenstaaten und Grossmaechten sowie Kuestenstaaten untereinander, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft (Universitaetsschriften, Reihe Politik 24), Baden Baden 1991, 279 p.
Member of the Hellenic Political Science Association (Athens, Greece)