Kythera. A history of the island of Kythera and its people.
Author: Peter D. Vanges
When Published: 1993
Publisher: The Kytherian Association of Australia
Available: The Kytherian Association of Australia
P. O. Box A203
Sydney South, NSW 1235
Contact, President, The Kytherian Association of Australia
Contact, Secretary, The Kytherian Association of Australia
George C. Poulos: 02. 93 88 83 20
Book Price: A$30.00 plus postage.
Hard cover. 272 pages.
A readable, detailed and enlightening history of Kythera, from mythological times to the present day. It remains the best overview of the history of Kythera in the English language. Kytherian-Australians refer to it affectionately as "..the green book on Kythera".
Peter Vanges motivation to write the book are clearly expressed in the preface. Firstly to write a history of Kythera in English which would help many Australian-born, American-born and other disapora Kytherians learn about the birthplace of their parents and grandparents. Secondly, having read this book, those who may visit the island, will be able to understand it, and hence enjoy and appreciate it more. "My aim is to provide some background information on Kythera and the Kytherians".
This background is divided into five chronological periods, The Early Days: 2500 BC - AD 1700. The Venetian Occupation: AD 1200 - 1700. The Years of Suffering: 1799-1800. Struggling for Freedom: 1800-1940. World War II and Later Years: 1941-1990.
Part Six of the book deals with the Buildings, Places and traditions of Kythera. Historic Buildings, the Monastery of Myrtidiotissa, Public Works, Architecture, Kytherian Dress, Ports and areodrome, Tourism, & the Toponymia of Kythera.
Part Seven, deals with the Kytherians of the Diaspora, concentrating on the Kytherian Brotherhood of Athens, Kytherians in Asia Minor, Kytherians in africa & Egypt, Kytherians in America, Kytherians in Australia, and the history of the then Kytherian Brotherhood (now, Association) of Australia.
This book is a must have on the library shelves of every "Kytherian" home in the world.
See excerpts from the book in the "Written About Us" section of this website.