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Metohos (Magazine)

Metohos Magazine.

Introducing the magazine to Australia.

Metamedia Corp. Australasia Pty Ltd.

Our company is involved with a unique, informative, and attractive magazine that has content of interest in the areas of business, life, culture, and travel.

Our magazine is called ΜΕΤΟΧΟΣ. It is available at all major news agencies around the country and has been in circulation for about five months in Australia.

The direct translation of "METOΧΟΣ" is Shareholder, but in relation to our magazine it means being a shareholder in Hellenism. It is written in both English and Greek to reach and inform the Hellenic Diaspora regarding all things relevant and of interest to people who want to promote and preserve Hellenic culture. Many of our readers particularly enjoy sharing the language and culture between generations.

We invite you to visit our website at www.metohos.com to get a small taste of what our magazine is like.

Metohos is distributed around the world to Hellenic descent individuals and businesses. We hope you will agree that it is an excellent way to enhance brand recognition and build relationships with our very qualified audience, as well as reach them through the pages of METOHOS.

I look forward to hearing your feedback once you have had a chance to review our magazine.

Nikos Kolendrianos


Metamedia Corp. Australasia Pty Ltd.

PH/FAX: (03) 9497 2540

WEBPAGE: www.metohos.com

EMAIL: [email protected]

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