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Athanasia Glycofrydi-Leontsini

Professor Athanasia Glycofrydi-Leontsini.

Professor of Modern European and Neohellenic Philosophy-Department of Philosophy, University of Athens, Greece

Home Address:

8, Valaniou Str.,
18536 Piraeus

Tel./Fax: (0030)210-4518279

Office: University of Athens, School of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy.

University Campus, Ilissia 15771

Tel.: (0030)210-7277538, Fax: (0030)210-7248979

e-mail contact: here


BA (Hons) in Ancient and Modern Greek Literature and Philosophy, School of Philosophy, University of Athens (1969).
Scholarship from the Greek National Research Centre to do research attached to the Department of Philosophy, University of Athens (1970-73).

Scholarship from the Italian Ministry of Education for Studies in Italian Language and Culture (Universitΰ di Firenze per stranieri, 1972).

Postgraduate Studies in the School of European and Social Studies of the University of East Anglia under the supervision of Dr. E. Shaffer (1976-78).

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Athens, 1986).

Visiting scholar in the University of London, University of Glasgow, Universitΰ degli Studi di Napoli “Orientale”.
Representative of the Greek Ministry of Education for the European Year of Languages (2000-2001) in the EC (Bruxelles).

Scholarship from the British Council for research in byzantine and post-byzantine culture and philosophy (London, 2004).

Research Interests

Modern European and Neo-hellenic Philosophy, Byzantine and post-Byzantine Literature and Philosophy, Philosophy of the Scottish Enlightenment, History of Ideas, Aesthetics, Moral and Political Philosophy.


Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses on Modern and Contemporary Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art, History of Modern European and Modern Greek Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Ethics and Politics at the Department of Philosophy – School of Philosophy – University of Athens. She teaches Aesthetic Theories and Aesthetic Education at the Marasleio Academy of Primary Education of the University of Athens.

Research Activities

Member of several Greek, European and International Societies such as The British Society for the History of Philosophy, Hume Society, Reid Society, International History of Eighteenth Century Studies (ISECS), International Society for the Intellectual History, International Society for Aesthetics, International Society for the Study of European Ideas, Greek Society for Aesthetics, Greek Philosophical Society, Greek Society of Philosophical Studies, Greek Society for the Hellenic Enlightenment.

She has participated with papers in numerous Conferences and Congresses in Greece and abroad and has published widely in journals and collected volumes (in Greek, English and Italian).


She is the author of numerous articles and books in Greek, English and Italian.


She has authored in Greek:

1. The Epistemological Foundations of Thomas Reid’s Aesthetics, PhD Thesis (Athens, 1988)

2. Neohellenic Aesthetics and the European Enlightenment (Athens, 1989)

3. Neohellenic Philosophy: Persons and Problems (Athens, 1993)

4. Neohellenic Philosophy: Moral and Political Questions (Athens, 2001)

5. Systems of Fine Arts in Neohellenic Aesthetics (Athens, 2002)

6. Aesthetics and Art. Critical Reconsiderations (2005).

She has also annotated and edited critical editions of Modern Greek philosophical works from 14th century onwards, such as:

1. P. Vrailas-Armenis, Philosophical Works (4 vols., Athens, 1973, 1974, 1986, 2004)

2. D. Kydones, Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae in Greek, Corpus Philosophorum Graecorum Recentiorum (Athens, vol. 15).

She is jointed general editor of the Corpus Philosophorum Graecorum Recentiorum.
She edited: Kythera: Myth and Reality, 5 vols., 2003.

She has also published numerous articles in journals and Proceedinds of Conferences.


Aroni’s award from Athens University for the book Systems of the Fine Arts in Neohellenic Aesthetics (2003).

At the Annual Ceremony of the Academy of Athens she received an Award for promotion of the research on Modern Greek Philosophy (2004).

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