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Rose Rasmussen-Tzortzopoulou

The construction of the Platia Ammos road

Eleftherios Tzortzopoulos is 2nd from the left with the view of Platia Ammo behind him.

In 1958,Eleftherios Nikolaou Tzortzopoulos,our grandfather,was the local mayor who was responsible for the top Platia Ammos road.The first 300 metres or so were literally done by hand and the rest was completed with the first ever bulldozer brought to the island,specifically for this reason.The construction was by no means an easy task as Leftheris faced a lot of opposition from many locals who expressed the opinion that he was only making a road to lead to his house.In reality though Eleftherios Tzortzopoulos had a greater vision and that was the progress of the Island and of the port-village of Platia Ammos.

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