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George Poulos

“La Laconie, La Messénie et L'Ile de Cythère” Paris c. 1820 - attributed to R. Lapie

R. LAPIE (Attributed) “La Laconie, La Messénie et L'Ile de Cythère” Paris c. 1820. Colored. 6X8¼.

Attractive small chart of the southern end of the Peloponnesos (Greece) and below it the island of Cythère, (Kythera). Depicts the Gulf of Laconia & the Gulf of Messina. The city of Sparte and Mt. Menelaion; Megalopolis, Triphylie & the Gulf of Argon (Argolis).

In June, 2004, Cartography collectors could purchase Chart #GR116, for as little as US$175, from:


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