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James Prineas

August 2008

Invitation Kythera-Family.net Party next Week
view the full-colour online invitation: /download/partyInvitation.pdf

Dear Friends of Kythera,

next Tuesday night on the 19th at 8pm we're putting on a party at one of Kythera's most beautiful new venues: the recently completed WindMill Hotel in Mitata. Complete with a fully-functional reconstructed windmill perched above the bar/catering area and swimming pool, the hotel is faithful to the island's architectural traditions and worth the visit for a drink at the bar, even if you aren't staying there. You can see pictures of it on the site here:

Kythera has the most successful visitor-driven cultural archive website in the word, with more than 13,000 heritage entries submitted by the public over the past 5 years. Each month at least 5000 individuals visit the site and (re-)discover our beautiful island. More than enough reason to celebrate! We’ll be projecting highlights of the site onto the big screen and helping you find your lost relatives while the kids swim and play into the evening. If family research is your hobby, bring your family tree and add a few more generations with the help of cousins you never knew you had. Or just enjoy the company and learn more about the past, present and future of the island and the site.

If you're not on the island, but know of people who are and might like to attend, please let them know - they may not check their mails while on the island to receive this invitation. The mayor has been invited but it is you, the visitors and contributors to Kythera-Family.net, who are the guests of honour.

When I told the hotel owners to expect between 50 and 300 people they raised their eyebrows, looked at each other, and asked me to be a little more specific. So to get some idea of how many to cater for, please let me know if you are probably coming (or if friends of yours on the island will probably come). It will be a wonderful chance to network and a big chance to find 2nd and 3rd cousins you probably never knew you had. For those of you who usually carry a family tree around in your back pocket, you'll certainly find an audience. If you're not into family research there is always the company, food, pool and drinks to keep you going.

To find us just follow the WindMill signs as you drive into Mitata from Friligianika. You can't miss it - just look around the skyline!

I look forward to seeing many of you next Tuesday!

view online invitation: /download/partyInvitation.pdf

PS. Please don't forget to send this to your Kytherian friends so the word gets around!

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