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James Prineas

June/July 2010

Dear Friends of Kythera,
we've moved the site over to a faster server - the few hours the site was off-line last week was the price we paid for it. And the search system didn't work for an entire week. sorry if that caused any inconvenience. Now the move is done and the bugs tweeked, the search is twice as fast as it previously was and we hope to make it even faster with a few programming modifications.

Our Save Kythera campaign - to prevent Kythera being turned into a wind-farm dump to produce power for the Peloponnese - has attracted comments from others in other countries who are fighting to preserve the natural skylines of their regions as well:

"I fight with the support of many good associations to avoid wind farms disfiguring the Loire Valley protected by UNESCO. The authorities have no interest...don't use EU money to spoil that preserved isle... you have so much sun. Use its energy by building a big solar farm for the local energy consumption."
Brigitte Thouveny (15 June 2010)

"Stop energy factories in Kythera and Tehuantepec, Mexico!!!"
Victor Mendoza (26 June 2010)

My family and I are leaving for Kythera next Thursday and we're already putting a hiking program together for the 5 weeks we'll be there. Our first trek will be from the airport to Diakofti, possibly as early as next Sunday. Not on the road of trekked. Straight over the mountains and down along the coast. In the "old days" the fishermen from Aroniathika trekked that way to their fishing boats and we hope to find anything left of the old trail. If you're there and would like to join us please just drop me a line, either by email or you can call me on my Greek mobile, which I hope still works when we return, on 697 42 53 753. Look out for us every Sunday at the markets in Potamos. We might even have a stand there this year selling Kytherian Love Potions...

Best regards from a heat-wave in Berlin,

James Prineas
KFN Team-Leader Europe

Visit our partner websites:
www.savekythera.com (english)
www.save-kythira.com (greek)

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by John Stathatos

The first round of the forthcoming municipal elections will be held on 14 November. Despite the extensive merger of smaller municipalities which has taken part across Greece as part of the recently enacted Kallikratis municipal reform legislation, which axed all municipalities of less than 10,000 inhabitants, Kythera (as an island) escaped unscathed; instead, it is now a joint municipality with Antikythera (previously a small, independent commune).

Citizens of the European Union as well as most categories of ethnic Greeks who are registered residents will be able to vote, but they must register with the municipality in Chora before the end of June (last possible day is 30 June). Given the possible bureaucratic problems, interested parties are advised to do so as soon as possible!

More information will apparently be available on the Interior Ministry's website, www.ypes.gr

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Alexander Lazareti

My name is John Kingston and I am trying to trace my Greek heritage which I have traced back to circa 1853 with my Gr Grandfather (Alexander Lazareti) being born in Crete, and his brother (Demitri) being born in Kythera (listed as Cerigo on his death record) circa 1858.

I have also tracked down a couple of gravestones located in Lavethi (Livathi?), Kythera which have the Lazareti (and Lazaretis) surname listed on them (dated 1907-1953).
I have a couple of simple questions that you may be able to help me with:

1) does anyone in your association know of any living Lazareti family members who come from either Crete or Kythera?

2) who in Kythera would it be best to approach to see if there are any historic records that may help in my FT research?

3) Alexander’s & Demetri’s father (Konstantine) is listed as being a solicitor; that being the case, is there a legal registry office in Kythera that may have historic records of him working on the Island?

4) is Lazareti of original Greek origin or is it of Italian heritage from when the Venetians ruled Kythera?

Thanking you in anticipation.

John Kingston

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Anastasios Marentis

I am an American of Kytherian decent and have been trying to seek information about my dad's family, the Marentis family, that lived in Fratsia. My grandfather, Anastasios Marentis,migrated to the USA from Kythera many years ago leaving behind his brother Theodore Marentis, and sister Calliope. The house in Fratsia is still owned as a vacation home by Theodore's descendants. I wanted to get more information about our family's history in Kythera and perhaps begin to build a family tree. I would love to find out more about who some of my relations may be. As a second generation American of Kytherian decent I feel it is important information to pass along to our children so that they may always know their roots and feel the same reverence for Kythera that we feel. I lost my dad, Cosmos Marentis, several months ago and this project of researching the family history has become all the more important to me. If you have any ideas about how to proceed I would greatly appreciate knowing as I think I have come to a dead end in my search. Thank you for your time and for this fabulous site ..... I am really enjoying learning more about the island and hope to return there soon !
Joan Marentis Kelly

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Effie Zaunders - 8.5.1916 - 27.1.2010

Our mother, Effie Zantiotis, was born on 8.5.1916 in Pireaus to Aphroditie and Panagioti Coroneos, (Faganas) - who originally came from Karavas, in Kythera. Mum was the 5th born in a family of 8 children – 4 boys and 4 girls. At the age of 19 she was betrothed by proxy to our father, George Zantiotis (Zaunders) last son of Emmanuel and Eirene Zantiotis (Yerandis) from Vouno, Kythera.

The Bride arrives in Australia 1935

Effie arrived in Sydney on the maiden voyage of the P & O Liner ‘Orion’ and on board was the Aristocracy of England who were sailing to Australia for the Melbourne Cup, held annually on the first Tuesday of November. During the war the 'Orion' became a troop transport ship and was returned to normal service after the war. In 1954 our parents had their first trip to Greece and travelled back to Australia on the ‘Orion’.

Our parents were married on 29.12.1935 (as it was considered bad luck to be married in a Leap Year which would have been 1936 – the following year). Mum and Dad then moved to the ‘Elite Café’ in Taree to be in partnership with Dad’s elder brother, Jack. The ‘Elite Café’ was well known in the district.

They were blessed with a daughter, Rene, born in Taree, and after 4 years they moved to Forster and opened ‘The California Café’ in December 1940. A second daughter, Aphroditie, was born a few months later. These were very tough years for our mother as she had to adjust to a strange land, no English, very far from her family and any other Greek families. Our mother successfully raised her 2 daughters in the Greek tradition. In September, 1949, a big move to the city was decided and our parents opened a Milk Bar/Restaurant named ‘The Aristocrat’ in Lane Cove where they stayed till 1958. An opportunity to open a Sandwich Shop arose in Camperdown – this they found much easier to manage after the Milk Bar/Restaurant. (By then, both daughters were married.)

Retiring in 1972 our parents travelled annually and extensively to America, Europe and Greece. Effie had the good fortune to enjoy seeing her parents and siblings on many of these trips. During this time our Mother became a founding member of the Kytherian Ladies Auxiliary. Now her 2 daughters and grand daughter are following in her footsteps. Mum did a lot of charity work and handicrafts for her Church (which kept her busy) in the form of crocheted squares (for blankets) and coat-hangers.

Our mother took enormous pride that her grandchildren spoke Greek, and delighted in the fact that all her grandchildren and great grandchildren had visited her beloved Greece.

Effie was widowed in 1981 but still continued her annual pilgrimage to Greece (as our father was buried with his parents in Panagia Despina Church, Vouno, Kythera). It was also a great pleasure for her to return to the land of her birth to enjoy the companionship of her parents (until they passed on) and her brothers & sisters and their families. When mum came back from these trips we all commented that she always looked ten years younger.

She idolised her 6 grandchildren, who in turn adored her and was called Megali Yiayia by her 3 great grandchildren. Our mother was a very elegant and well groomed lady who had very high values and we shall miss her greatly as she was our guiding light and inspiration. Mum and Dad’s name are engraved on the ‘Welcome Wall’ in Darling Harbour and have become that part of the Kytherian Diaspora who ventured to a new land.

If you have a mother,
Cherish her with care
Because you will never know the difference
Until you see her empty chair.

We wish to thank you for your kind and comforting
Expressions of sympathy conveyed to us in our bereavement.
Your thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated
And will always be remembered.

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Topic: Panaretos - can you help?

I would appreciate hearing from anyone able to fill gaps in our Panaretos family tree which is slowly but surely growing. The following is what I already know:
Our great-grandmother: Panagiatitsa Panaretos, (b.1850 m. George E. Andronicos 1873)
Her father: Theodoros Vretos Panaretos (notos) from Potamos. Theodoros had two brothers (I think), Zacharis Vretos Panaretos (b.1836 Potamos m. Relia Stavros 1869) and Demetrios Vretos Panaretos m. Calliopi. Thank you.

Gaye Hegeman,

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Archaeological Dig in Kythera, July 2010

There will be an archaeological dig near the Agios Theoderos monastery in Kythera during July this year.
Archaeologist, Aris Tsaravopoulos will be conducting this rescue excavation with a small team of his associates.

Positions are open for volunteers from the Kytherian community to help support Mr Tsaravopoulos with the archaeological dig. Even though a formal excavation has not yet taken place around the monastery, the site is believed to have functioned as an ancient healing place, a sanctuary dedicated to Asclepius (the demi-god of medicine) from the end of the 5th Century BC.
An inscription found on an ancient wine jug suggests that this was a Laconian (Spartan) sanctuary - due to the god medic being referred to as Aiglapios in Laconian dialect.

The excavation will run for a period of three weeks from Thursday, July 8th through to Thursday July 29th this year. No prior experience is necessary as supervision will be provided by the team of trained archaeologists.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to visit a working archaeological dig in Kythera.
Members of the public can be involved in four main ways;
a. As weekly volunteers
b. As daily volunteers
c. Participating in a site tour
d. Viewing frequent online updates on kythera-family.net and on Facebook

Site tours will be offered to members of the public at 9.30 am, several times each week during this 21 day period. We'll be prompting as many parents as possible to bring their children to the site to show them how archaeologists work.
Youth will get a unique opportunity to see an archaeological dig first hand and it is hoped that this will help trigger a greater curiosity and affinity with their Kytherian heritage.

This archaeological excavation has been supported by the Kytherian Association of Australia and Nicholas Anthony Aroney Trust. It would not have been possible without their assistance.

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by Maria of Lourandianika

Kythera is such a simple word but one that is filled with emotion for so many of us. I write my memories to share them with fellow Kytherians. The words come from my heart. Each month, a Kytherian from another part of the world contacts me with such warmth, as they say that I have also woken many memories in them, bringing precious times long forgotten, back into their lives.

Memories come flooding back as I look at the photographs of our beautiful girls, dressed in such lovely gowns and accompanied by their smartly dressed partners. They are being presented at their debut where we proudly acknowledge how far they have progressed, while still keeping their family traditions.
I remember attending Kytherian dances from a very young age, but I was not permitted to dance with a young man until I had made my debut. I was only permitted to join in the Greek dancing. I was restricted to dancing only with my father who was such a talented dancer, especially in tap dancing. He often held the floor as he danced with the metal tips on his shoes and our fellow Kytherians clapping their hands. They encouraged him to continue while watching his intricate steps. The highlight of my evening was when he would take me onto the floor to dance the tango with him.

My father was a man who still lives on in the memories and hearts of many. He came to Australia to begin a new life but returned to Kythera to marry his lovely young bride. He was the youngest son of Papa Marsellou (Marcellos) of Livadi and he married the youngest daughter of Papa Lourandos, of Lourandianika. The news was met with excitement as word spread quickly through the villages. Two respected and loved priests had their families united in this way by merging two families of the Church, in this blessed union.
As I look at the memorial wall near my bed, feelings of great emotion stir in me, as I see the faces of loved ones who have passed away but I know that they will always be with me. So many memories stir within me.

Returning to Kythera also held such deep emotions for me and for my son who had accompanied me there. I awoke one morning to find that my son was missing. Instinct told me to go to Lourandianika. As usual, I was correct. My son had returned to the family home, as he was drawn to this tiny village and is not one for much company. I found him lifting pieces of heavy timber and he told me that he was exercising. Amusement quickly changed to annoyance, as the timber pieces broke and I realised that he had broken my grandmother’s treasured loom.

My son was well known for his ability to break the unbreakable. I chose to take a long walk after seeing the damage done to such a precious item. Returning some time later, an even greater shock awaited me. My son had decided that the extended brick wall at the back of the house hid some type of treasure. My telling him that this was the home of a poor priest did not deter him as he continued disassembling the rock wall. I had no choice but to climb up on the top of a building close by, watching him, knowing that he would find nothing. There was no hidden treasure, but simply the extra wall which was built at the back of the large wall oven.

My very red faced young son told me that he would repair the damage he had caused. As I took him inside, I showed him tins of paint, which my uncle Nick had used to paint the shutters on the windows. We also found a bag of some strange blue stones, which to this day, we still have not identified; such simple items of no value, excepting for the framed photo of my grandfather, which is now such an important part of my life.

Recently, I saw a current photo of the family home in Lourandianika with a satellite dish. It is situated where I stood with my grandfather so often, as he would speak to me, giving me advice with his gentle words. It is no longer the simple home I loved, but a home which is moving into a new era. However, it is filled with the ghosts of my loved ones, saddening me as I think of life as it was.

Kythera had not lost its wonderful simplicity though. I went to Potamo one day and saw a jacket of fine quality. It was not the colour that I wanted but as it was so special, I chose to buy it. A few days later, in Hora, wearing my prized jacket with the word "Greece" embroidered on the back, I went into a small clothing shop. When I entered, I saw the jacket I had bought in white which I had wanted so badly. I mentioned this to the young man sitting casually talking to a friend. He calmly stood up, removed the white jacket from the stand and told me to give him the one I was wearing. He simply exchanged it. When I asked him how this was possible, he told me that both stores belonged to his mother and she would be happy for me to have the item I truly wanted. Such simplicity was for me the true Kythera.

Growing up in Australia, whenever we would see a house painted in blue and white, we knew that it belonged to a fellow Greek. I recall one day, standing with a fellow student at school and not being fluent in English as only Greek was spoken in our home. I looked at a building that had the words "Grease is Great", painted high up on the wall. I turned to my friend proudly saying, "See, Greece is great. It is painted on that building". I did not understand that this was a mechanic’s garage as I, in my innocence, was not aware of the correct spelling.

As I come full circle in a sense, with many wonderful memories both here in Australia and over in Kythera, I have decided to revert back to my maiden name.
For me it is a need, as I take a step back towards my heritage. I know that my children are all adults now, living their lives, thus allowing me the freedom to realise one of my wishes.

Maria Marcellos

4 Trinity Crescent.,
Sippy Downs 4556

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"Expectations and Achievements" Part 2
This is an excerpt of the autobiography of Peter Haniotis, who died in 2005. Many thanks to his daughters who have allowed us to reprint his life story here. You can read Part One in our last newsletter which is in our Newsletter Archive.
My grandmother was only sixteen years old when she married my grandfather James. She was just a slight, pretty girl with blue eyes. She was clever, kind and, above all, capable of rising to the occasion. Living in our house, we three children never left her alone, always asking her to tell us some of the delightful stories and tales, and her never refusing to oblige us. We sat and listened to her for hours.

My grandmother could not read or write as most of the girls of her time were not allowed to attend school because it was not proper. The schools and education were for boys only.
When Sofia lost her husband everything went to pieces. She had no-one to turn to. Her father-in-law was still alive, but in his eighties, and needed someone to look after him. She was in her early thirties with six children. The eldest girl was named Helene – and then Brett, Peter, Aglais, Minas and Maria. The only support she had was from a middle-aged schoolteacher friend of the family. All the people to whom James owed money came to her. On at least two occasions, some found the opportunity and asked for money that had already been paid. My dying grandfather warned his wife that these two had been paid. One of them admitted it and took no further action. The other, from the village Viarathika, insisted, telling her he had his claim in writing. One day she took the school teacher as company and went to see the man who claimed the money. He brought out a paper that James owed money. She said to him, “You still insist that my husband owes you money?” He said, “Yes.” She said, “Show me the papers!” He took it from his pocket and gave it to her. She took it, pretending she was reading and ran away with it. He was screaming, but he could not catch up with her. He was talking about taking her to court but eventually admitted he was confused about the debt and was sorry. (I mention this small event to show you she could not budge to nonsense.) Her next move was to invite the people her husband owed money, to a meeting to asses their claim. Seven of them turned up in the presence of Theo, the school teacher, who checked the claims, and my grandmother assured them they would get their money as soon as possible.

My grandmother soon after put up for sale the small pieces of land her husband had accumulated, though friends, including her brother-in-law Peter, advised her to sell the main one in the heart of Mitata. By selling that she was assured of a quick sale and also getting enough money to pay all the debts and her daughters’ dowries. As a clever woman, she knew her advisers’ motives. Most of them envied my grandfather’s rise and somehow they were glad he was ruined. Everything he worked for fell to pieces. My grandmother’s argument to her advisers was that if you lose a part of your body and it is up to you to decide which it is going to be, certainly you don’t give away your heart against your hands and legs. She said, “I am going to sell all the small pieces and I’m sure I’ll get enough money to pay up my debts. As for my daughters, if they’ll not be good enough to find a husband without a dowry, let it be.”

The sale of the small lots of land was successful and in the short term my grandmother was free of debts without losing the good farms.
The older son Brett was about fifteen when he decided to migrate to Smyrna, Turkey, where several young men from Kythera had gone and done well. When he arrived in Smyrna he got a job at a grocery shop owned by another compatriot. Two years went by and Brett was happy with the situation. He was getting good wages and was able to send some money home to help the family.

One day bad luck struck. Brett was making his daily grocery deliveries to the houses around, when he was bitten by a dog on the shin of his right leg. Limping, he went back to the shop and the boss took him to a doctor who dressed the wound. In a few days the wound developed an infection and his leg swelled all over. He could not work as he had difficulty walking. He was desperate and decided to go back home.

On the mainland there was a town called Mistra, next to Sparta (see below). Here there lived a famous herbalist doctor who reportedly performed miracles. My worried grandmother decided to take Brett to this doctor.
Mistra is a small new town next to an ancient Byzantine period one which is well preserved as a national treasure. It consists of several stone buildings which from a distance give the impression of a big fort. Getting close you will see several churches, art galleries, museums and other buildings. Thousands of tourists go to Mistra when they visit Greece. It is a very unusual and fascinating place. I was lucky to visit Mistra in 1973 when I went to Europe. It was an unforgettable trip.

When my grandmother and her son arrived in Mistra, they went to the herbalist doctor. Brett took on the therapy and in about three weeks he was cured. While waiting for her son my grandmother was not idle. She was always interested in herbs and their curing abilities. The doctor gladly obliged and showed her several herbs, told her their names and what they were good for. As she did not know how to write or read the task seemed impossible. But her unbelievable memory was enough to compensate for her lack of education.

Coming home with Brett cured was a very happy occasion. The children were growing up and helping in the house. The mills and other farm works started to improve their lives. Grandmother always found time to go to the bush to gather herbs, dry them in the sun and put them in socks in order in a large cupboard. She started to help the locals and success was instant. Eventually her fame spread all over the island and people from all the villages and towns were coming to her to get cured. They called her Mrs Aglacitis. (That was the supposed original surname of John when he arrived in Kythera.) My grandmother never charged fees. She said God gave her the gift to be able to cure people and he did not charge her anything. How could she charge people for something she got for free! She said she would always help people for no charge.
Most of the people coming to my grandmother were cured, others got some relief and others did not get better. However, all of them were sure that Mrs Aglacitis was a real saint.

In about the year 1880 a brother of my grandmother named Minas migrated to the city of Sevastapol in the Crimea, Russia. It took him a few years of hard work and savings to start a business. He bought a private hotel and by looking after his customers was doing very well. Minas was a very religious man and he made as a goal of his life to turn Ottomans and Jews to Christianity. I heard that during his life he succeeded in converting about a dozen people to Christianity. Of course his hobby was not cheap and most of his money went for that purpose. Some of his converts were taking him for a ride. He knew it, but did not mind.

In early 1890 Minas wrote to his sister and asked her to send him her second son Peter, to make his fortune there. She sent him over and in a few years in partnership with a friend from Mitilini, Phocion Stamatiou, started importing olives, olive oil and almonds from Greece. My father Brett was their main representative in Greece. Business went from good to booming and they asked my father to go to Piraeus and start a head office there.

Piraeus is the port of Athens. When my father settled there in 1914 it was like a large town with a population of 150,000. Athens had a population of 350,000. Nowadays the two have a population of 4,000,000. Only ten kilometres from Athens, Piraeus’ big harbour was handling the bulk of merchandise to and from Greece.
My uncle’s firm was named Haniotis and Stamatiou. They secured long contracts to supply the naval base of Sevastopol where the Russian fleet was based and also a lot of monasteries in south Russia. Uncle Peter became very rich and adapted to a luxurious life. He bought a palatial home with stables and a coach pulled by four horses. He had seven servants, coach driver, porter, valet, a chef and two housemaids. He married his partner’s sister Despoina. She was well-educated for a woman and very fussy in everything. Early in 1910 he asked his mother to visit him. She took with her grand-daughter Sofia. People who heard about her going to Russia thought that she would not be able to cope. To their surprise she did very well. After staying there about two years she became homesick. It made it harder not being able to speak the language. Young Sofia also wanted to go home, though Uncle Peter wanted her to stay there for good. As they didn’t have any children they wanted to adopt her. But Sofia missed her sister Helene and brother James and also her friends from school.

They came to Kythera with my uncle Peter, who came for business and a short holiday. My grandmother, while staying in Russia, picked up the style of life and with the help of her son and daughter-in-law became a new woman. She brought back expensive clothes and lace head-covers like Queen Olga of Greece, who was the daughter of Tsar Nicholas II and the grand-daughter to Queen Victoria of England. My grandmother wore her good clothes and lace head-covers to church on Sundays. Years later she still had them and always had a story from her travels in Russia to tell us.

When my father went back to Kythera after his ordeal in Smyrna, he decided to start an emporium like his father. The only difference was the way things were done. Instead of waiting for producers to take their merchandise to his seaside depot, he was going around the villages, seeing the goods and paying for them on the spot before taking them away. The turnover was a bit smaller, but it was not possible for an error and most important he owed money to no-one. He engaged two men with two mules each for transporting the goods to the seaside depot which he bought in the village of Avlemona. There were no cars at that time and they used mules (a cross between a horse and a donkey), because they are very strong, though not as fast as horses.

Eventually he became well-known over the whole island with the name Aglacitis, as his mother was called. Brett had an extraordinary mule: it was fast like a horse and strong like a donkey. He named it Mosha. Everyone in the village envied him. He was showing off that he had such a good animal. One night he left it on the Moschati in a fenced paddock. They did that occasionally so she was able to eat fresh grass and play around in the paddock. In the morning when they went to pick it up they found it in agony, lying on the grass. It was swollen all over. Friends helped Brett take it to the village where all came to the house, some to express their sorrow and others to suggest practical medicines. They even lit a fire under it and smoked it up.What had happened was that one of the neighbours on the next farm had beehives. That morning Mosha was in the way of the bee swarm and he was stung all over. Nobody advised that cold water splashed all over him would be a saviour.

Mosha died the same day and everyone cried like they had lost a human. They opened a hole on the edge of the property, built a fence around it and we knew it as Mosha’s grave.
Brett’s business was getting bigger and money was coming plentifully. During his travels he met a girl, the sister of one of his associates, and fell for her. He asked her to marry him and she accepted. They married in the year 1896. The whole village was invited and celebrations lasted a week. The bride’s name was Panagiota Cassimatis.

Two years later, in 1898, the first child arrived. It was a girl, and they named her Sofia, after his mother. A second girl arrived two years later in 1900 and they named her Helene after his mother-in-law. The big celebration came two years later when the first boy was born. They named him James after his grandfather. Life was going on beautifully as things were getting better. Brett thought the family could have a better house to live in. He decided to build a modern house on the property which his father had bought several years before.

Mitata is a small village on the edge of a plateau. There is a wide ravine three or for kilometres across and from the top of the hill to the creek down the bottom it’s about one kilometre deep. Gigantic terraces were built to hold our vegetable gardens. Several springs of water coming from the side of the hill water all the gardens. The same thing applies to the opposite side which belongs to the small town of Viarathika. These two towns supply vegetables to the large towns of Kythera and Potamos. Every Sunday morning hundreds of peasants put their products on display in the centre square of Potamos and the locals get all their vegetables for the week. Thursdays the same thing happened in Kythera Hora. Mitata is in the middle of the island, consisting of 130 houses mostly built in squares of soft white stone. The town’s underground consists of that type of stone. On the top of the houses they put long pieces of timber and on top of that they put clay. Every year they checked and replenished the clay.
I don’t know if it is proper to mention that in the old houses the toilet is also their stable where they keep their donkey and pig and a couple of goats for their milk, and of course their chooks. If people want to go to the toilet they take with them a stick to keep away the pig and the chooks. Come to think of it, nowadays in a lot of modern cities, they take the sludge out from the sewage and make fertilisers and thus we eat it without knowing it.

The house finished, Brett had some furniture imported from Russia (which still exists today). It was a big occasion when they moved from the old house. All in town were invited for the event. Part of the old house was turned into an oil-pressing factory which operated two months a year, in November and December, when the new olives were ready to be turned into oil.

Peter Haniotis

(Read the next episode of Peter's family history in the next newsletter)

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Churches and Wildflowers of Kythera
by Anita and Albert of "Fos ke Xoros"

Click here to see more than 250 Wildflowers of Kythira
"In the next months we will continue our search for new flowers and add them to the collection. "

Click here to see more than 70 Churches of Kythira
"We will not stop until we have photographed every single one of the approximately 400 to 500 churches of Kythira."


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Wind power stations are no parks. They are industrial and commercial installations. They do not belong in areas of natural beauty. And although many people find them majestic, that is no argument for putting 200 of them on Kythera. And who will clear up the mess when most of them are useless wrecks in 20 years? Does it really make sense to tackle one environmental problem by instead creating another? Join The Resistance.

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The Great Walls of Kythera Book Project

The Houses of Rock...
submitted by Stephen Trifyllis on 21.06.2010 Copyright (2010)
Lovely old rock wall houses that are over 500 years old at Kato Chora near Mylopotamos. Sometimes when you walk through the little streets of the fortress, you feel you could almost be greeted by past inhabitants wishing you ''KALI MERA''.

If you received previous newsletters you'll know that we've announced a new book/exhibition project entitled "The Great Walls of Kythera". Dozens of pictures have already been uploaded to the Great Walls category of the site. It's not too late to send in your pictures - in fact, you have a whole year so if you'll be on the island this year you still have time to shoot new ones if you don't have any in your current collection. In February next year we'll chose the best of the pictures and in addition to publishing a book of them, we will also try to organise a travelling exhibition of them.

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