March 2007
Flying over Kythera, Grand Meeting of Kytherians in Queensland.
Dear Friends of Kythera,
at the bottom of this mail you'll find your invitation to a huge Kytherian event in Queensland, Australia, on the 15th of April. So all you out-of-staters or out-of-countryers still have enough time to book your tickets. Queensland, for those of you who don't know your billabong from your wallaby, is one of the warmest, friendliest and most beautiful of Australia's states featuring the Great Barrier Reef, huge rain forests, and various fruity entertainment complexes. Even without a Kytherian event it would be worth the visit. WITH an event it is absolutely irresistible. So "go for it", as they say in Australia. Foreigners are treated like VIPs in Australia, and Kytherian-foreigners like royalty, so don't miss it. If you have any questions about getting together with the Kytherians send a mail to the superb organiser of the event, our own hyper-Kytherian George Poulos at
Flying over Kythera
This might interest a few of you: next week I'll be flying over Kythera on a helicopter to photograph the island from above for a "Kythera from the Air" book. (If you didn't already know it, I moonlight as a photographer. Some of my last Kythera book (1997!) is visible at and my last exhibition at ). Planned is a large coffee-table edition. Now before you all start hitting the "reply" button on your email program to remind me to photograph YOUR village, don't worry. I'll be trying to photograph EVERY village on the island. Even the ones which only consist of a few ruined houses. And I'll shoot as much of the coastline, as many of the monasteries and churches, and everything else which looks good, as I can. But you could do one thing for me: send me suggestions of landscapes I should shoot. I've been going to the island for 20 years now and always manage to find a new lookout or picturesque ravine which I hadn't previously known of. And I bet there are other "must-photograph"-places which you can inform me of by mail. Send them to:
We hope to have the book finished around the middle of the year. If you think you can help us distribute the book - i.e. if you would order 5 or more to distribute or sell to your contacts - please let me know so we can get a rough idea of how many we should have printed.
One more thing you can do for me: pray for the weather. If it is cloudy all next weekend then we are in trouble.
All the best from a gloriously sunny day in Berlin.
James Prineas
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Six Months on Kythera
Here's something completely different which you can perhaps help me with. My family and I want to move to Kythera in September for a six-month "time-out" from the rat-race. We would like to find some private teachers for the boys and a nice warm house to rent. And other English, German or Danish speakers - especially children - who will be there at the same time. If you have any suggestions for us they would be much appreciated.
James (
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Lost for 94 Years...
by Gaye Hegeman
We always knew that our grandfather Theo Andronicos had an older brother, Emmanuel, who had lived and worked somewhere in New South Wales early last century. Because grandfather died in 1948, many years before my interest in family history began, all of this vital information literally went with him to the grave.
My mother Rene (formerly Andronicos) remembered place names in association with her uncle, Casino, Kyogle and Coonamble, but nothing came of our enquiries with the respective local councils of these towns. A search of the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages followed but revealed nothing. There seemed to be so many dead ends. Nevertheless we followed every clue.
Etched clearly in my mother’s memory was the day she met her uncle, and even to this day she can describe his appearance, the clothes he wore down to the detail of the bow-tie at his neck. Her memory is usually very reliable. His visit occurred, she said sometime in the early 1930s when my mother was a young teenager.
Almost thirty years have elapsed since our search began and what seemed like a impossible task ended in success when his details were eventually found in the Pioneers Index. The Pioneers Index provided a registration number which then enabled me to send away for his death certificate. Australian death certificates provide a lot of information.
From the certificate we learned that our Uncle Emmanuel Andronicos had lived and worked in Coonamble, a country town in New South Wales, and that he was in business as a fruitier and confectioner. His death occurred on the 5th August 1910 and not in the 1930s as we had thought. He was still young, only thirty-three years old and unmarried. He died of a pulmonary tuberculosis haemorrhage in the Coonamble District Hospital. All other details matched those of my grandfather; born on Cerigo, parents George Andronicos, tobacconist and Panagiotitsa Panaretto. Grandfather who also resided in Coonamble was the informant on the certificate.
A search of the New South Wales Post Office directories listed his business for the years 1907 to 1912 under the name of E. Andronicos.
So many things went through my mind. It is hard to explain the depth of sadness I felt as I took in this information. The uncle I had never met had died in the prime of his life and had lain in the Church of England Cemetery at Coonamble for almost one-hundred years - temporarily lost but certainly not forgotten.
There is still one thing that puzzles me though. Who was the Uncle Emmanuel who visited the family at Number 10 Craig Street, Red Hill in Brisbane in the 1930’s?
by Gaye Hegeman, Queensland.
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Visit the NEW Kytherian Association of Australia website!
Keep up-to-date with all the latest news and information about our upcoming events. Check it out now and let us know what you think! Click onto for more.
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Family from Kythera in Sydney area, NSW
submitted by Dean Trearchis
Hi, I am looking for the descendants of John Harry Kassimatis (Cassim) (b. abt 1856 d. after 1922) and Theodosia "Dorothy" Panaretos.
They lived in the Ardlethan, NSW area, but their descendants spread all over the Sydney area.
They had:
Stavroula 1887-1972 m. Paul Katsoulis
Photeine 1892-1975 never married
Haralambos John 1894-1974 m1 Evelyn Anne Laura ____ m2 Efrosini "Fofi" Goumas
Michael "Minas" John 1899-1965 m. Winnifred Elizabeth ____
Stamatia 1901-1979 m. Harry James Flaskas
Europa 1904-1932 m. George Castrisos
Surnames of their descendants include: Cassim, Castrisos, Firth, Flaskas, Aroney, Economos, Rose, Katsoulis, and Castrission.
Also another family in the Australia was:
Anastasia "Tasia" Fyropoulos/Feros (1912-2002). She married in 1949 in Sydney to Nicholas Anastasios Panaretto (?-1964) son of Anastasios and Martha Panaretto.
Any information at ALL on any on these families and/or surnames would be great!
Peter Trearchis
Dracut, MA, USA
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OFFICIAL QUEENSLAND LAUNCH OF & Katsehamos and the Great Idea
SUNDAY, 15th April, 2007
Invite you to the official QUEENSLAND LAUNCH of the internationally renowned and, Peter Prineas' book "Katsehamos and the Great Idea"
the superb family history of the Feros family from Kythera.
[Download a 2-page colour version of this invitation with payment summary and address for payment details:
***Please feel free to photocopy this invitation, and pass it onto other Kytherians & Philokytherians, or to copy the .pdf file to your hard drive, and forward it on by email to other Kytherians & Philokytherians.]
Date: SUNDAY, 15th April, 2007
Time: 11:30 arrival, (Cocktails), for a 12:00 noon, start.
Kapsali Restaurant
South Bank Parklands,
South Bank Brisbane,
QLD 4101 Australia
Phone: +61 7 3846 1803
Fax: +61 7 3844 4132
The Cost of the function has been heavily subsidised, and the very nominal cost is:
Adults - Payment at the door - $20.00
Early Bird Discounts: $15.00...............Please help us to organise the function well - by booking early!
[For more details about the event and how to take advantage of the early bird discounts - see overleaf]
Special guests from Queensland will include Mr Chris Bombolos, State Member for Chatsworth, Legislative Assembly, Queensland Parliament, Mr Peter Freeleagus, Mayor, Belyando Shire Council, Peter Corones, Mayor, Gladstone Council, Judge N Samios, author, Denis Conomos, Con Galtos, and Jim Raptis.
Special guests from New South Wales will include, Mr Angelo Notaras, Team Leader Australia of, and one of the great benefactors of Australian Hellenism, and for the maintenance of the Hellenic and Kytherian cultural heritage. Esteemed environmental lawyer, and author, Peter Prineas. The Greek-Australian of the Century (1900-2000), Archie Kalokerinos will also be in attendance.
The ease of use, and sophistication of will be demonstrated.
First prize in the RAFFLE will be a limited edition cartoon by Fairfax cartoonist Rocco Fazzari of eminent Queensland Kytherian film producer, George Miller. The picture has been signed by BAFTA & Academy Award winner, George Miller, making it a very valuable prize indeed! Make sure you are in the draw to win numerous other prizes.
Prizes will also be awarded for the most iconic - Kytherian artefact, Kytherian photograph (People), Kytherian photograph (Landscape or Building), Kytherian Family Photographic Album, & Kytherian religious artefact (including icons). Please bring these along for evaluation, display and discussion.