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James Prineas

May 2010

Dear Friends of Kythera,

the European Summer is drawing closer and I hope many of you will be making plans to visit Our Favourite Greek Island. If Greece ever needed the support of its Diaspora population it is now, and visiting the island is the best way to do it.

Since the relaunch of Kythera-family.net in March the number of pages being viewed has jumped from 40 000 a month to 65 000, with 10 000 more visitors regularly visiting the site each month. Your Kytherian heritage material - in your family's old photo albums, the stories of your parents and grandparents, a song or a proverb passed on to you - has a bigger potential audience now than ever! Even if the pictures you want to put on the site are hanging behind glass, just get a camera and photograph them off the wall and post them to the site. Although the quality may not be perfect you might find they still attract an audience: new friends, old relatives, and perhaps that long-lost rich uncle you always thought you had will finally contact you...

Once you've registered, which takes less than a minute, uploading to the site couldn't be faster or easier. At the bottom of this mail are a few step by step pictures of the site which will give you an idea of just how simple it is to get your own family material onto the site.

One of our USA site administrators and social-media wizz - Vikki Vrettos Fraioli (Chlentzos) - has set up a "fan-page" for Kythera-Family.net on Facebook. It's another great way to stay in touch with all the news from the island. You can visit our facebook page here.

Kytherian Cooking on Show
Also from Vikki are the following links to episodes of a Greek cooking show shot on Kythera. The first is set in Potamos featuring Polykseni Panaratos making Kalizounakia, the second takes place Yianni's bakery in Karavas, and the third, after finishing the paximathi-baking in Karavas, goes to Mitata to see Eleni of "Milk and Honey" fame making her special olive-oil-cheese ("Lathotiri"). The fourth and fifth show Ioanna Kalokairinos making a version of pastitsio (macaroni pie) they call "Venetian" with a crust around it, something I've never seen before. All five lots are of fun, even if you don't understand Greek - in fact, if you watch them a few times, they might well improve your Greek!:
YouTube - MEGA TV-Potamos-PolykseniPotamas-Polykseni - Κύθηρα (1)
YouTube - MEGA TV- Karavas-Yianni - Κύθηρα (2)
YouTube - MEGA TV- Karavas-Mitata-Eleni - Κύθηρα (3)
YouTube - MEGA TV- Ioanna-Kalokairinos - Κύθηρα (4)
YouTube - MEGA TV- Ioanna-Kalokairinos2 - Κύθηρα (5)

Kytherian Opera Singers?
Here's a mail I received from Paul Coroneos, a "vintage visitor" to the site from the USA. He had a delightful story to tell from his childhood, and a question which I hope one of you might be able to help him with.
"Greetings James:
It's been a while since I've responded to an article in the family-net. However, the name Fardoulys triggered a very old memory. Back during WWII the Greek War Relief Committee sponsored an Opera in Chicago. It was a very important event at the Chicago Opera House. All the political elite were in attendance and it was a great success. The principal male singers were a Fardoulys and Baroumis. I took part in the opera as an altar boy from Annunciation Cathedral. Since I was of Kytherian extraction (Koronaios tou Panagiotou from Progi) I was introduced to the great man and had a few kind words from him.
I'll never forget Fardoulys because he was so temperamental. Everyone moved around him like walking on egg shells. He had a violent temper and actually threw around chairs and anything near him. Baroumis was the only one who could calm him. On opening night Fadolys was to enter on a beautiful white horse singing. The altar boys and church choir preceded him. As he rode forth in the middle of the stage the horse decided to defecate - a LOT. This interrupted the scene. Fardulys went ballistic. The curtain was dropped and it took about fifteen minutes to restore calm and start over.
In the end the performance was a great success and in those days Fardoulys was active in operatic circles. I wonder where this gentleman was from in Kythera and what was his full name?
Paul Coroneos"

Included in this newsletter are some fascinating site entries including the first part of my great uncle Peter Haniotis' family history which he finished back in about 2003. Peter unfortunately passed away a few years ago but the history he toiled over for many years remains with us and is interesting read for all with island ties. Another fine entry was posted by Loretta Kassimatis Sword about her grandfather, Peter E. Kassimatis, and it is also included below, together with our regular column by Maria of Lourandianika.

Funding Drive
Since the relaunch we've had a good dozen suggestions from users as to how to improve the site further. Such as: allowing you-tube video's to be embedded in the site; creating an animated guided tour of the site for new users; to create an easier way to communicate with other site users; a new site map to create a better overview of the features and categories on the site, and much more. The price tag for those new changes is about A$5000 (US$4500) in external programming fees and we need your help to raise it. If you value the site then please consider making a donation: our goal is keeping Kytherians all over the world connected as well as making island heritage material available via the internet. The best way to do that is to keep the website up to date and appealing to the audience. Any help you can give us would be greatly appreciated.

My family and I will be on Kythera for about six weeks from mid-August this year - we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on the island!

Regards from Berlin,

James Prineas
KFN Team-Leader Europe

Visit our partner websites:
www.savekythera.com (english)
www.save-kythira.com (greek)

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Subject: Facebook Photos
Hi everyone. Thanks to Vikki for connecting us. Just wanted to let you know I have a folder marked "Old Family Photos" on my Facebook page. Many of the photos were my grandfather's and I have a short description with them. If you recognize any of the families or information please let me know. I would love to share them their descendants. A few of them I have posted on the KFN site.
Meet Melanie. She is my third cousin. I found her after looking at a portion of our family tree posted on KFN. We share a great, great grandparents who came from Kythera.
Looking forward to getting know all of you.
Loretta Kassimatis Sword
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Topic: Travel option to the Island
If you are needing a safe, comfortable, inexpensive and friendly alternative to flying to and from the Island, I can recommend Drakakis, Kythera buses which are based at Livadi.
Because of the airline strike early this month, we had to find another way to reach Athens to catch our return flight to Australia.
The bus picked us up at Potamos, crossed to Gythio on the ferry (we changed to another bus) then set us down at central Piraeus. The bus continued on to Athens.
This may be a service that only operates on a Thursday but you can check their website:
www.drakakistours.gr or email them.
Gaye Hegemann

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Peter E. Kassimatis' Story
Loretta Kassimatis Sword

Recently, I began a quest to document our family history and preserve special memories for future generations. My journey began with my grandfather, Peter Emanuel Kassimatis. He was born in Fratsia, Kythera, Greece on May 4, 1900. He resided with his parents, Stathoula and Emanuel Kassimatis along with sisters Yanoula, Stamatina, Rosa, Frosso, Maria and brother George. His brother, George Cassimatis, immigrated to Australia during the 1930’s.

My memories begin with stories of his life as a young boy responsible for venturing to the ocean to gather salt for his family. I recall him discussing his many trips on donkeys as a mode of transportation on the island.

One of his sisters worked for King Constantine I. With her wages she purchased a ticket for him to travel to the United States. At the age of 16, with $28 in his pocket, he left the Port of Piraeus, without family or friends. On September 28, 1916 he set sail on the S.S. Ioannina. He told me how frightened he was when the Germans stopped the ship and threatened to sink it if even a single weapon was found onboard. Twenty-six days later, on October 24, 1916, he arrived at Ellis Island, New York.

After arriving in New York, he travelled to Vandergrift, Pennsylvania to live with his uncle, Vasil Glitsos. Shortly afterwards his uncle died in a mill accident and his aunt returned to Greece. Peter then moved to the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. In the early 1920’s he was employed at a confectionary store in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. This detail of his history I remember well. When I was a young child he would take me to his basement and patiently teach me how to work with chocolate on a slab of marble. I cherish my memories of all those hours we spent together making and sampling candy.

After much hard work and sacrifice he was finally able to purchase a shoeshine business and an apartment building in Pitcairn, Pennsylvania. He removed building materials from a home in Export, Pennsylvania, and painstakingly hauled them to another location. Brick by brick, he built a home in Monroeville, Pennsylvania. My grandfather was a very generous man. As he made money he attempted to share it with his family. I recall his frustration when he would tell me stories of sending funds to his family in Greece. Often times it was confiscated and never reached them.

The 1930’s arrived and brought great financial hardship. During the Great Depression he, along with many others, suffered great losses. Once again my grandfather found himself having to start all over again.

On December 5, 1931 he married Christine Pavlakis in West Virginia. Her father, Gus Pavlakis, was also from the same village of Fratsia, Kythera. Christine’s mother’s family was from Kythera as well. Peter and Christine had three children, Sally, Emanuel and James. Unfortunately Christine was ill most of her life. Peter became the rock of the family and successfully raised three children.

The early 1940’s brought more sadness. During the German occupation he learned that his mother and one of his sisters had died of starvation in Greece.

My grandfather spent most of his years raising his family and working hard. In 1984, he had the opportunity to visit Kythera for the first time in sixty-eight years. Along with his daughter, Sally, and son-in-law, Lloyd Hughes, he was able to revisit his homestead and enjoy time with extended family in Athens. Amazingly, sixty-eight years of speaking English did not inhibit his ability to serve as a translator during their visit.

Peter continued to work as a janitor well into his late 80’s. He passed away on November 1, 1991. Christine passed away on March 2, 1993. Throughout his life he had experienced many difficult times but he never focused on his many hardships.

Recently, while searching through the Kythera-family.net site, I found a link to the Fatseas collection of photos. These photos were restored and some were used in a museum exhibit in Athens. In an attempt to identify the individuals in the photos, they were listed online. I viewed picture after picture, fascinated by what life was like for the people of Kythera. What a pleasant surprise to find one of our family photos in the collection.

My quest is far from over. Now I have many unanswered questions and plans for the future. When my grandfather left the island in 1984, he found someone who promised to care for his mother and sister’s grave sites. He provided payment and was to receive a photograph of the clean sites. That photograph never arrived. It is my hope that sometime soon I will be able to visit this beautiful island and fulfil my grandfather’s wish to have the grave sites restored.

As I continue my journey, I am thankful to have this wonderful site which has allowed me to see my family’s history through others’ eyes.

Loretta Kassimatis Sword

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Looking for Kytherians on the East Coast, USA

I have lived in Texas, USA a long time, did not meet but one Kytherian family.
My parents (Yiannis Coroneos/Antigone Kypriades or Kyprios) come from Karavas, both deceased and buried there. I was born and raised in Egypt, spent many summers in Karavas. Pappous' house is adjacent to the school at the apsida entrance. I am revisiting the island for 5-6 weeks this spring. Love it.

Any Kytherian association/club on the East Coast? My son & family have settled northeast where I might be moving soon. I have one cousin in Europe, the rest live in faraway Australia.

Marianthi Coroneou
Retired, Prof. of Linguistics

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Expectations and Achievements
by Peter Haniotis

In the year 1453 AD, with the fall of Constantinople, the Turks completed the conquest of Greece. In 1770 the Cretans rose against the Turks on their island. At the beginning they had some success and the Turkish garrison withdrew to their forts. Unfortunately, reinforcements from the mainland arrived and the revolt drowned in blood. Thousands of Cretans escaped in small boats to nearby islands. One of the escapees, a young man from Hania (Canea), sailed to the island of Kythera, seventy miles from Crete. His name was John, his surname probably Aglasitakis.

Kythera is one of the seven Ionian islands and at that time was under the rule of the Venetian Republic. It is situated on the south side of Greece between Crete and the mainland. It is a small rocky island (40 x 20 kilometres), where people work very hard to make a living on their small farms. At the time of my story the island was occupied by the Venetian Republic until 1799, when Napoleon Bonaparte, at the height of his glory, annexed the seven Ionian islands – Corfu, Paxis, Leukas, Cephalonia, Zante, Kythera and Ithana, the birthplace of Ulysses.

Napoleon lost the islands after the Battle of Waterloo. England took them over and in time this proved to be the best thing that happened. English governors and officials, plus small garrisons of soldiers, judges, solicitors and doctors became the backbone of the aristocracy, as the peasants called them. They all lived in the capital Kythera (Hora), adapting English laws and making several reforms for the benefit of the Islanders. With compulsory personal work, they built a new main road from the top to the bottom of the island and several bridges which even now benefit the residents. One of the reforms was to be kind to animals. If you were caught hitting your donkey with a stick you had to pay a fine. One peasant, who had not heard about the new law, was fined ten shillings in court for hitting his donkey with a stick. After he paid the fine he went outside to his donkey, moved up close to him, removed his cap, bowed to him and said, “I salute you Sir Donkey. Sorry, I didn’t know you have such a high class relative as the judge.” There are several similar anecdotes which I do not have enough space to mention here.

At that time Kythera’s population was 14,000 and the island could not produce enough to feed its people. The young people started to migrate overseas to places like Smyrna in Turkey, Russia and the United States of America. Only at the beginning of the century did Kytherians start coming to Australia.

Kythera consisted of sixty small villages and two towns – Kythera (Hora) had about 3,000 inhabitants and Potamos 2,000. With migration gaining momentum, the population of Kythera was getting smaller and the Kytherian population in Australia bigger. In 1995 an estimated 10,000 Kytherians, including their children and grandchildren born here had made Australia their home. The Kytherians left behind are mostly elderly people who are content to stay home, live on their small pension and the occasional small cheque from their relatives in Australia to supplement their income.

I am proud I came from Kytherian stock. I am also proud to be an Australian, having been naturalised in 1943, five years after arriving here. It was the law then: we had to wait five years then prove ourselves. To make me feel better, the N.S.W. Government in 1955, gave me the title of Justice of the Peace. For the average Australian, that does not say much. But it gave me a motive to try to be a better citizen.

The locals accepted John cordially and nicknamed him Haniotis (man from Hania), which became his official surname. He eventually settled in the village of Mitata in the middle of the island. In time, working hard, John bought a small farm and built a modest home. Years later one of his sons, Brett, opened a small foundry ironmonger business. The locals, who previously had to go to town to fix up their working tools, could now do them in the village. Brett saw the opportunity coming. On the east side of the town was a ravine full of wild bushes. From the top of the hill to the bottom, on to the creek, there was no road. It was about five acres – he bought it for a song. He did not have the money to develop it, so he made an agreement with his customers by which goods were purchased not with money, but time spent working on his farm. The villagers gladly accepted this offer because cash was very scarce.

The development did not take long to shape up. The first thing they built was a road from the top of the hill down to the creek. They landscaped the sides with large vegetable beds and planted fruit trees and olive groves. The discovery of running water from the side of the hill helped the project along. When it was finished it was like a paradise. John called the place Moshati (nice perfume). People could not believe their eyes at such an improvement.

There was more to come. There was room for water mills. By using the excess water, within a year he built water mills. The village people were very happy because they could make their grain flour locally and not have to go to town three hours away.

The water passing through the mills was still going astray so he made an arrangement with the vegetable farmers further down, to supply them with water for a small fee – probably for a few hours’ work on his farm. Everybody was happy. Brett became quite wealthy by those standards and well respected. He was chosen as councillor on the island’s council.

Brett’s two sons were Peter and James. Peter became a shoemaker and James a merchant. James built up an exporting business of local products – olive oil, wine, almonds, lemons, oranges and grapes. The producers delivered the goods to his depot which he rented at the seaside port of Aulemona.

As soon as James had enough merchandise he sent a message to the boat which eventually sailed in to pick it up. The captain of the ship was also the man to do business with. He took the goods and paid James, who in turn paid up some producers he hadn’t paid before. James became well-known on the island and wealth was coming at a steady rate. He bought a choice property in the heart of the village and a large olive grove and grape yard at a place called Paliopoli, the ancient town of Skandia. He also bought several small pieces of farmland. He married a beautiful girl and had six children – three boys and three girls.

One day business was going as usual – the goods accumulated on the shore and the boat came to collect them. The crew transferred everything aboard and the captain asked James to come on the boat to have a glass of wine with him and collect his money. As soon as James got on board, he was hit on the head with a piece of wood and fell unconscious on the deck. When he came to, he found himself abandoned on a small deserted island off the coast. Next to him was a bottle of water and some bread.

Three days later a fisherman found James half dead and took him to his family at the village. His people, who were frantic with worry over his disappearance, tried in vain to revive him. James passed away in the year 1878, two weeks after his ordeal.

Peter Haniotis
(Read the next episode of Peter's family history in the next newsletter)

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by Maria of Lourandianika

Our trip to Kythera when I was 15 years old was exciting. There were many factors to come to terms with; after all, I was leaving a home with every luxury, which I took for granted, to go to an island with no facilities. My father had explained to us that all which we took for granted here, would not be a part of our lives, when we arrived for almost a year in Kythera. These were changes which would not be acknowledged until we were faced with them.

However, nothing could take the excitement away, as we prepared our suitcases and the large chest which would go into the storage room of the ship. I was a lonely child. I grew up in a family where I was not permitted to have friends from school to play so this made the thought of such an exciting trip even more special. My life consisted of school, holidays in country towns once a year, which were the highlight of my year, working next to my father in the garden and maintaining the exterior of the property.
Our home was always painted blue and white. In those years, one could always point out a Greek’s home as it would be painted blue and white. It took many years to convince my father to change our Greek colours. I must say that I missed the original colour but as I was the one who had encouraged him to change, I decided that it was better to stay silent.

Now, there was the great excitement of a trip to the other side of the world in a luxury liner. As always, my father believed in the best of everything to enable us to enjoy this event even more, so we were to travel first class. I admit that I did go once, to the ‘tourist’ section which took only one quarter of the entire ship as the sounds of music and merriment proved too much for my curiosity. This was not permitted and my parents scolded me. How I laughed one day as we searched for my father, not finding him anywhere but finally locating him also in ‘tourist’. I did not say anything to him though, as this would have been disrespectful. After all, my father was curious just as we all were and there was no harm done.

After spending some months on Kythera, my father announced that we would be leaving, to go to the Peloponnese. This news was met with great excitement. That was my Ntendi, my father; the man who wanted his daughters to experience the history and culture of other parts of Greece, not just Kythera.
We arrived on the mainland, visiting the Parthenon in Athens. Back then, it was still accessible for the public to walk through the ruins, allowing us to pick up pieces of pure marble for a keepsake. Later, we drove to Olympia, to see where the first Olympic Games had been held. The simplicity of the ruins of the stadium caused me to feel feelings stirring inside me, as I contemplated their incredible history. I believe Greece should always be where the Olympic Games are held.

Olympia was deserted at this time of year. Once again, my father had looked into this. He did not want our trip spoiled as it was to be educational too. Staying in the only hotel in Olympia brought great excitement, as there were no other guests and we were allocated the royal suite. Such splendour; black marble for the bathrooms with quality furnishings fit for royalty, large balconies we stepped out on to, taking in the beauty of the country so steeped in history. How fortunate we were to be there when the town was deserted. The price for one night in this royal suite? A simple two pounds and ten shillings…five dollars in all, I believe.

The visit to the amphitheatre at Delphi, was where the tourist guide dropped a coin after telling us to climb to the highest stone seat. We heard this coin when it was dropped, from wherever we sat, causing us such wonderment. How could the people who had built this amphitheatre achieve this? I do not believe this mystery will ever be solved.

We had been to Pompeii in Italy, before coming to Greece, and those sights will remain with me forever. One stays clearly in my mind. A child seated on its potty, as the hot lava and toxic gas came from the eruption of Mt Vesuvius and claimed this poor little soul. The sight of many people caught unaware by this tragedy that was about to claim their lives. Such a sad sight! Also sad, was my lack of ability at that age to fully appreciate the history of the area. My memories stay with me however, as I remember each day vividly without requiring my journal.

We returned to Kythera with my parents and they felt that they had exposed us to not only Kythera, but many other parts of Greece. The highlight of the trip was Olympia, steeped in such history which I had studied at school. No books could expose me to the wonders I had seen and experienced for myself.
Time came too soon to leave Kythera. We boarded the S.S. Oronsay at Navarino Bay for our return to Australia. We were transported to this huge ship by a rowing boat. My father was so happy as people who had also taken the Boomerang cruise, recognised him and called out their welcome. He spoke of this for so many years and one would feel that it was time for the story to be laid to rest. However, seeing my father’s pure happiness caused me to listen and watch his face, as he recalled these wonderful memories, never once begrudging him the pleasure he received each time he spoke of this special day for him.

My father was a man of slight stature but his presence filled a room when he entered. How loved he was in the community and is still missed by so many. The two daughters of my parents had grown through these experiences. My father and mother were now content that they had done the best for their family. This had always been their goal and they had achieved it.

Returning to school was not something I entertained for one moment after we returned from Kythera and our travels. The decision to attend business college was acceptable for my parents. This would ensure that I would have the necessary skills to see me in good employment in the future. Ever mindful of this, I worked hard and completed my diploma two months before my fellow students. Being struck down by Rheumatic Fever and confined to my bed was something that no one could have anticipated would happen.

Finally, after 8 months, it was time to find employment. I was very fortunate to have remembered my skills and employment was easily obtained. My father’s high standards that had been instilled in me all my life, served me well. I had never wanted for anything and now for the first time, I was experiencing the importance of work. Receiving my first pay was a moment which will stay with me. The long hours required by my employment were not an issue, as I had not been raised to be a "clock watcher." My employer was entitled to my best efforts. I had observed my father always working hard at his shop and when at home, I also worked constantly to upkeep the family home and property.

For me, I found humour at times with the circumstances that arose. Not looking Greek, as the mistaken idea was that all Greeks were dark haired and dark eyed, was inherited from my parents, as neither had dark looks. How often my appearance caused me moments of humour. One particular time has stayed with me, as I worked for two doctors who dealt with many famous people. Appointments were difficult to come by, especially the initial consultation.

Two ladies were very late for their first consultation. They stood at my desk, speaking Greek and discussed the excuse they would use in view of the strict surgery rules. They then started with their fabricated excuse and I, in return, spoke to them in Greek. I informed them that I had heard and understood every word. Needless to say, two rather embarrassed ladies made new arrangements, leaving with my advice to be sure to keep all future appointments on time, as the surgery was run strictly to appointments.

Visiting my Greek doctor also had its funny moments, as his small waiting room was always filled and I often found myself standing, waiting patiently. How many times I found it difficult not to smile or laugh as I listened to the patients discuss me, assuming I was Australian. The main issue was my clothing. When I was called into the doctor’s rooms, I could not resist turning and offering to answer all their questions when I had finished with my consultation. The looks were priceless, as I realised that I had never grown out of enjoying life with a little bit of laughter.

When I returned to Greece some years ago, this matter of looks again caused me to enjoy listening to two elderly ladies who were discussing my colourful clothing that had been bought from a surf shop here on the Sunshine Coast. My son and I went there for coffee. The subject arose again, as the ladies discussed my clothing. I listened, and then politely answered the questions. However, this time I advised them to take care, as someone may comprehend what they are saying and not be as understanding as I was.

David and I went to the Acropolis like normal tourists. I noted that a museum had been built with our treasures inside being heavily guarded. Looking in wonderment, I chose to take photos. I was approached by a rather large lady in uniform, who kept saying that I must pay for the privilege of taking photos. I stood on my principles though. My son David kept telling me to answer her, as she was speaking to me in Greek but I felt strongly that this was my heritage and as such, I should not be required to pay. I turned to David, speaking in English and asked him if he could understand her while I continued taking photos. If I had been of any other nationality, I would have paid, but for me, it was my right.

How different Athens was to when I had been there as a young girl, remembering my father speaking so proudly of the cleanliness of the city and walking on sidewalks made of white marble. My father’s pride was something I have inherited. How sad to see that when our monarchy had been exiled, the beauty and cleanliness of Athens as I remembered it was no more. For me, Kythera is the only reason I would wish to return to Greece but the ghosts of loved ones would be everywhere on our beautiful island, as a new era takes over the simplicity of the life I loved so much. Wherever I would turn, there would be visions of my loved ones, so loved and so missed. I will remember my beloved Kythera as it was, forever in my memories, which can never be taken from me.

I will continue remembering the laughter at olive picking, the donkeys which were stubborn and would not listen to commands given, the picnics with so many relatives and friends, taking time away from working their fields for a few hours. The lack of electricity, but the light from the kerosene lamps, and my most loved memory, the sitting around a bucket filled with hot coals from the large wall oven, throwing off heat as we sat around it, talking and toasting chestnuts. This is the memory I will keep in my heart and soul, as I think of Kythera, the island I love.

Maria (Marcellos) Whyte

4 Trinity Crescent.,
Sippy Downs 4556

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Churches and Wildflowers of Kythera
by Anita and Albert of "Fos ke Xoros"

Click here ( http://picasaweb.google.com/XenonasFoskeChoros/WildeBloemenVanKythira?feat=directlink# ) to see more than 250 Wildflowers of Kythira
"In the next months we will continue our search for new flowers and add them to the collection. "

Click here ( http://picasaweb.google.com/XenonasFoskeChoros/KerkenVanKythira?feat=directlink# )to see more than 70 Churches of Kythira
"We will not stop until we have photographed every single one of the approximately 400 to 500 churches of Kythira."


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Why Greece should wait with its wind-station construction.

Why vandalise the pure Kytherian skyline when in a few years off-shore wind stations will be feasible and affordable for Greece?

Northern Europe is beginning to construct their wind-stations off-shore, where the wind is more constant and does not damage the land-based environment. In a few years this technology will be more affordable and Greece will be able to implement it too. With it's hundreds of islands and correspondingly enormous close off-shore area, Greece is possibly the most suitable country on earth to exploit the advantages of off-shore wind-stations.
Help prevent Kythera being peppered with over 200 wind-towers. The SaveKythera.com site is a mine of information regarding the number and source of applications from big-business to construct hundreds of MW of Wind-Towers on the island. Those businesses - they are profit motivated and not ecological foundations - are looking to cash in on the lucrative subsidies on offer in Greece. Subsidies which have been phased out in most other European countries because there are more efficient ways to reduce CO2 with the billions they have already spent on subsidising on-shore wind-farms. Kythera, though windy, is far from any power substation which could handle the amount of power generated, requiring enormous infrastructural changes which would make the venture environmentally counter-productive. So before you make the assumption that any wind-generator is a good wind-generator, take a look at the site and find out more. The Greek version of the site is now online at www.save-kythira.com. And our new online petition is gathering signatures and comments. You can view and/or sign it at http://savekythera.com/the-resistance-petition/.

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The Great Walls of Kythera Book Project

If you received previous newsletters you'll know that we've announced a new book/exhibition project entitled "The Great Walls of Kythera". Dozens of pictures have already been uploaded to the Great Walls category of the site. It's not too late to send in your pictures - in fact, you have a whole year so if you'll be on the island this year you still have time to shoot new ones if you don't have any in your current collection. In February next year we'll chose the best of the pictures and in addition to publishing a book of them, we will also try to organise a travelling exhibition of them.

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