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James Prineas

October 2003

Dear Friends of Kythera,

Many thanks go to John Huxley for permission to display in its entirety his 1997 Sydney Morning Herald feature-article in the "Written About Us" category on the site. Also new are 10 fascinating religious icons with pictures taken of them before and after their restor-ation. They can be found under “Photo-graphy” until we can arrange a new “Icon” category for them. Our Tourist Infor-mation section has finally been baptised and already 40 hotels and pensions are listed in the “Where to Stay” category. We need your help to list the best restaurants and places of interest in the section, so please submit your recommen-dations. The Kythera Cultural Association section now sports over 25 magnificent photo-graphs from the first half of last century. They are both historical treasures and at the same time works of art. Thanks to the professional work of the archive’s curator John Stathatos, many Kytherian vintage photographs which would have been lost forever have been preserved and made available on our site for the world to enjoy. There are also two new Kytherian songs to listen to in the Songs and Poems section, skilfully re-mastered by our own sound specialist Petro Cassimaty of Sydney. And last but not least, if you haven’t seen them already, then don’t miss Peter Tsicalas’ “Settlement in Australia” series in the General History section of the site. They not only supply information about the Kytherian cafe ownership monopoly in NSW country towns, but, also include won-der-ful details which bring it all back to life.

New Features
We’ve been fine-tuning the site and taking on board suggestions from all quarters. We have renamed the “Famous People” category “High Achievers”, to be found in the “People” section. At the suggestion of James Gavriles there is now a “Nicknames” category, already laden with 8 entries and grow-ing daily: Michalakakis, Digenis, Pateros, Moulos, Bellos, Galacatou, Bouki-ouros and Pasha Ali of Fratsia. Don’t forget to immortalise your family nick-name by submitting it to the site. Also new on the site is “Bibliography” with 11 entries so far featuring books and publi-cations about Kythera - if you have any in your private libraries please submit the details to the site!

Competition Results
The winner of our entries competition is Robin Tzannes of New York. Her delight-ful “Pasha Ali of Fratsia” nickname entry, as well as the wondrous Nature category entries of fossils and skeletons from her considerable collection are great additions to the site. In fact her nature submissions were so good we invited her to set up a Kythera Museum of Natural History on the site, and to our delight she has agreed! Her prize is a copy of Peter Vanges’ unrivalled “Kythera - A History”. A special mention also goes to James Gavriles for his moving family history in the Oral History category and the dozens of photographs of his family from Potamos and Logothetianika.

Guest Book
“Congratulations on the launch of a great web site. This is a wonderful way of ensuring the history of the island is kept and can be accessed for all to view. From what I can remember of my grandfather Panayoti Koulentianos (1880-1974) who ran the Barber shop in Potamos and who was Kythera's unofficial English translator, he would be very proud to see the heritage and stories being passed along to future generations.”
Spiro Coolentianos - Sydney Australia

Thanks to:
Thanks to the submitter of the over 130 new entries since the last newsletter. They are too numerous to name here, but their names will certainly be remembered when St. Theodore does his blessings tonight.

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