Upload Your Entry
James Prineas

September 2003

Still Growing

Dear Friends of Kythera,
The first stage of setting up the website is complete, and with over 250 entries already on the site we are now preparing to move forward to the next stage by employing some casual persons in collecting and preparing all the infor-mation still out there in public and private colletions. If you would like to apply for the task please contact us at the email address listed below. Voluntary help would also be appreciated.

Kytherian Business Guide
One of the new categories on the site is the relaunch of a guide which was published 75 years ago. The 1928 Greek Business Guide – excerpts of which are featured in the archive section of our website – listed Greek business all over the world. Our new category is called the "Kytherian Business Guide" and it offers business owners of Kytherian descent a chance to promote their businesses and at the same time support the site. If you would like more infor-mation about promoting your business in "the Kytherian Business Guide" simply write to guide@kythera-family.net.

The Kytherian Association of Australia has kindly donated a copy of the brilliant "Kythera - A History" by Peter D. Vanges as the prize for our very first Kythera-Family.net entries competition. To enter simply submit at least 3 entries to the site in September, one at least of which should be in a section other than photography. The submitter whose set of entries is consid-ered the most noteworthy will receive a copy of the book. We will announce the winner in the next newsletter.

Guest Book
This praise came in from Robin Tzannes of New York, USA, herself an entry contributer.
“Congratulations - you have created a really valuable site for all Kytherians. It is beautifully designed and very easy to use. This is the most fun I've had on the internet since ebay!”
My yaya used to make a fantastic spana-kopita (spinach pie) which stood three inches high and was filled with fresh spinach and eggs and cheese and.... She has long since passed away but the mem-ory of her love and of her spana-kopita will remain with me as long as I live. Our yaya's were all brilliant cooks, weren't they (or hopefully, aren't they)? The recipe section on the site is there to help keep Kytherian cooking up to the stand-ards of our yayas. Please help by sub-mitting your family's recipes (or send them to us by fax, post or email and we will submit them for you).

Kythera Cultural Association
Recent visitors to the site might have noticed that we have added a whole section. The Kythera Cultural Association in Hora was founded for the purpose of promoting cultural activities of all kinds on the island of Kythera. Their section on our site allows them to promote their activities and to display their considerable photographic archives, which will be uploaded to the site in the coming weeks.

New Entries
Thanks for their great entries go to: Petro Cassimaty, Peter Tsicalas, Robin Tzannes, James Gavriles, John Huxley, Petros Kominos, Marina Fitzpatrick and Alexandra Ermolaeff.

Help us to make the site even more valuable for all Kytherians. Funds will go to collecting and archiving material on and off the island before it is lost forever. Please contact George Poulos for more information on (02) 93 62 46 29

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