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George Poulos

Helen Aroney's (Kamari) selfless act.

Helen Aroney's (Kamari) selfless act. - Eleni Aroney Camaris 1997

Eleni Aroney Camaris 1997

It is an absolute honour and privilege to be both an Administrator and Editor of kythera-family.net.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the "work" I have undertaken at kythera-family, and the wonderful Kytherians and Philokytherians, (and "lost" members of my family), that I have met through the web-site.

kythera-family is an eternal delight.

Every now and again an event occurs that is exceptional.

This week Eleni (Helen) Aroney (parachoukli (nickname): Camaris) from Gillman, Adelaide, South Australia, sent me a copy of her Grandfather's (Nikolaos P Aroney) book Zoi en Afstralia. Nikolaos' name, neatly written in Greek in black ink, appears in both the inside front cover, and at the top of the Frontpiece. (He signed his name in the book, in the town of Moree, NSW, on the 25th September, 1916.)

Helen had heard that I needed a copy to fulfil a life-time ambition of mine, to republish the book both in Greek & English.

See background to her grandfather & father from Zoi and Afstralia, with links to other photographs of both of them in later life

Aroney ancestors

She sent me the book through the post.

When I opened the package I felt very humbled; and was moved to tears.

I rang her to thank her, and she said, "I don't have any close relatives who understand the book, or will value it. I know you will make best use of it".

What extraordinary generosity.

Sometimes the word "thank you" is inadequate to express the gratitude that you feel.

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