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George Poulos

"Boubouras" - Manoli Megaloconomos

George Megas, tells us on the Message Board, 01.05.2004, that the Parachoukli of his grand father, Manoli Megaloconomos was "Boubouras". Manoli married Maria (unknown surname) from Anti Kythera.

Can any descendants, or friends, cast light on the origin of the "Boubouras" parachoukli?

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1 Comment

Spyro Calocerinos
on 26.11.2004

According to a book published by Emmanuel Kalligeros"Kytherian Surnames" the name Megaloconomos is fairly common in Kythera in a number of vilages and there are documents in 1563 between Yiannis and Leon Megaloconomos.There are a number of "parachouklia" and seem to be different parachouklia in different vilages.The Parachoukli "Boubouras" was common in "Livadi" area along with a number of other Parachouklia"