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George Poulos

"Katsehamos" - Peter (Panayiotis) Feros. Mitata.

Peter (Panayiotis) Feros,

born in Mitata, Kythera, c1890.

Died, 19.12.1954.

Feros had the puraksino parachoukli Katsehamos. ("Sitting down (person").

Originally, ran a business in Bingara in New South Wales.

Peter had one son John, who entered the Army, and died in his 50's.
Two daughters, Katina, in Linfield, since deceased, and
Maria, of Roseville, still alive (2004).

About 1938-9 - Peter went to a small town near Horsham, in Victoria.
Later he moved to Junee with his son-in-law, where he later died(?).

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Roxy Theatre, Bingara, NSW
on 05.02.2006

Peter Prineas, former solicitor, and now environmental advocate, has researched the life and times of Peter Feros very deeply. This has resulted in the production of a manuscript which will soon be printed as a book. This book will be launched at - ****************Roxy Theatre 70th Anniversary Festival**************** The magnificent art deco Cinema at Bingara in north western New South Wales was established by three Kytherians. Peter John Feros, Katsehamos, (Mitata) George Ernest (Proto)Psaltis, Katsavias, (Frilingianika), and Emanuel Theodoropoulos Aronis, known as Emmanuel Aroney, (Aroniadika) They operated under the business name Peters and Co, as did many other Kytherian cafe-owners. They were not financially or adminstratively connected. Peters and Co signs are still displayed on the shop fronts of numerous former Kytherian cafes throughout NSW. The Roxy Theatre opened on Saturday evening 28 March, 1936. Over the past few years, the Roxy at Bingara has been restored to its past glory. The cinema now resembles a "picture palace" - a "parthenon down under" to use Kevin Cork's description. Street front exterior, Roxy, Bingara Interior, looking towards the front stage, Roxy, Bingara Magnificent interior Art Deco panel, Roxy, Bingara To celebrate 70 years since the inception of this most "Kytherian" of cinemas, Gwydir Shire Council is holding a Festival which will culminate with the Roxy "Movie Ball" - 1st April 2006 - 7:00pm. Attendees are encouraged to dress in the fashion of the 1930's. There will be an unveiling and dedication of a framed photographic display of the 3 Kytherian founders at the Roxy Theatre, Bingara. At 6:30pm Peter Prineas' wonderful book will be launched. 'KATSEHAMOS AND THE GREAT IDEA: A true story of Greeks and Australians in the early twentieth century' 240pp, paperback, bibliography, notes, index. The book Katsehamos and the Great Idea is about the lives and struggles of Kytherian immigrants to Australia in the early twentieth century, including the fascinating Roxy Theatre story. Peter's book investigates this turbulent era in Greek and Australian history through the experiences of his grandfather Peter Feros and his contemporaries. The production costs of 'Katsehamos and the Great Idea' are being funded by a grant from the Nicholas Aroney Trust. Kytherians are encouraged to travel to Bingara, to help celebrate the establishment of this incredible Theatre. Maps indicating how to get to Bingara Kytherians, roll up, roll up, roll up. If you need assistance to travel to Bingara - please contact George Poulos on 93888320. Email George here Forward orders for the book can be placed here ************************************************************************