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Dr Eleni Leontsini

Nationality: Greek

Date of birth: 11th October 1971

Dr Eleni Leontsini - Eleni Leontsini

Work address:

Department of Philosophy

University of Glasgow

Glasgow G12 8QQ

Tel: 0141-330 3243 (direct line)

Fax: 0141-330 4112

E-mail: e.leontsini@philosophy.arts.gla.ac.uk

Office Hour: Fridays 12-1 (But feel free to come and see me at other times or send me an e-mail.)

Eleni Leontsini is the eldest daughter of George Leontsinis, whose, The Island of Kythera. A Social History, 1700-1863, (1981); is the most superior history of Kythera ever written, (albeit for a circumscribed period.)

Eleni has recently received her Ph.D. at the University of Glasgow. The topic of her thesis was the appropriation of Aristotle in the Liberal-Communitarian debate. Her supervisor was Professor Richard Stalley.

Here is the abstract of her thesis.




In the last twenty years or so a key issue in political philosophy has been the debate between so-called communitarian philosophers such as MacIntyre, Sandel, Walzer and Taylor, and those who support forms of liberal individualism such as that found in Rawls’s Theory of Justice. In this debate reference has quite often been made to Aristotle. This is particularly so in the case of MacIntyre who is frequently seen as presenting a neo-Aristotelian view. But writers from the liberal-individualist camp, such as Miller, have also invoked Aristotle’s authority. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the appropriation of Aristotle in this debate. I analyse six key concepts: community, teleology, happiness, justice, friendship and liberty. These concepts play a leading role in both communitarian and liberal political philosophy but they are of course also central to Aristotle’s account. In choosing these concepts I do not mean to suggest that there are not other issues which are also important, but these are both characteristic of Aristotle’s thought and of obvious relevance to the liberal-communitarian debate.

I argue that neither the communitarian nor the liberal appropriations do justice to Aristotle’s political theory. Both seem to attribute their own aspirations to the Aristotelian text and to rely on Aristotle’s authority in order to substantiate their arguments. I conclude that Aristotle’s political theory, when carefully examined within the debate, comes out as neither liberal nor communitarian. Aristotelian political philosophy is consistent neither with a liberal-individualist nor with a communitarian view that gives such a prominent role to the concept of community. Neither of the two parties to the debate therefore seems entitled to cite Aristotle in support of their position.

Eleni Leontsini - In her own words.

My main research interest is in political philosophy both ancient and contemporary.

In the future I see my research branching out into normative and applied ethics, and the philosophy of religion.

This year I am tutoring 1A (Introduction to Moral Philosophy), 1E (Scottish Enlightenment) and 2M (Morality, Politics and Authenticity).

I am also lecturing 1A the part of the course called ‘Moral Problems’.



1997– 2002 PhD (Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy)

University of Glasgow, Department of Philosophy

Thesis entitled ‘The Appropriation of Aristotle in the Liberal-

Communitarian Debate’ under the supervision of

Professor R. F. Stalley.

External examiner, Prof. Peter Nicholson (York);

Internal examiner, Mr. Dudley Knowles (Glasgow).

(Submitted: February, 5, 2002, viva: April 18, 2002)

(Awarded, 4th of July 2002.)

1994–1997 University College, London, Department of Philosophy

Postgraduate studies (Aristotle, moral and political philosophy,

philosophy of mind). Supervisor: Prof. Jonathan Wolff.

1989–1993 MA (Hons.) [Ptychion],

National and Capodistrian University of Athens,

School of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology

(Specialisation: Philosophy)

(Grade: Excellent, 9/10, First - out of approx. 300 - in class)

June 1989 National Greek University Entrance Exams

(Ancient Greek, Latin, History, Composition, Grades A)

1982–1989 Apolytirion Lyceum, Ionidios Model School of Piraeus

(Grade: Excellent, 19.1/20)


1999-2001 A.G. Leventis Foundation

(Postgraduate Educational Grant)

1994-1997 Maria Stai Foundation, University of Athens

(Postgraduate Scholarship)

1997 A.J. Ayer Award, University College London

1994-1996 Public Benefit Foundation ‘Alexander S. Onassis’

(Postgraduate Scholarship)

1993 3rd Prize in the Essay Competition organised by the

University of Athens, the Zakynthian Movement for Natural

and Cultural Preservation and the journal ‘Periplous’ for my essay

entitled ‘Varieties of Expression in the Odes of Andreas Calvos’.

1993 State Scholarship Foundation of Greece (IKY)

(Record Prize in the third year of my undergraduate studies)

1989-1993 Maria Stai Foundation

(Scholarship holder for the four years of my undergraduate studies)


2002-2003 Part-time Lecturer/ Teaching Assistant,

Department of Philosophy, University of Glasgow.

2002-2003 Lecturer (temporary contract), Department of Education,

University of Athens, Greece.

1998-2002 Teaching Assistant, Department of Philosophy,

University of Glasgow.

2001-2002 Teaching Assistant, Department of Moral Philosophy,

University of St Andrews.

1/01-5/01 Teaching Assistant, Department of Philosophy,

University of Edinburgh.

1995-1997 Part-Time Tutor, Department of Philosophy, University College, London.



1. Two entries in Philosophical and Sociological Dictionary, K. Kapopoulos Press, Athens 1995. (‘Philosophy of Mind’, pp. 209-210, ‘Physicalism’, pp. 233-234) [in Greek]

2. ‘MacIntyre’s Conception of the Aristotelian Tradition in After Virtue’, in D.N. Koutras (ed.), Aristotle’s Political Philosophy and Its Influences, Athens 1999, pp. 220-234. [in English]

3. ‘Liberalism and Communitarianism in Education’, in Greek Educational and Pedagogical Research, Proceedings of Greek Educational Society, Athens 1999, pp. 892-897. [in Greek]

4. ‘Justice as a Virtue: MacIntyre and Political Incommensurability’, in D.N. Koutras (ed.), Aristotle’s Political Equality and Justice, and the Problems of Contemporary Society, Athens 2000, pp. 298-308. [in English]

5. ‘Life-Long Civic Education and its Political Dimension’, in Life-Long Education as Life-Long Learning, Proceedings of Greek Educational Society, Hellenika Grammata Press, Athens 2001, pp. 606-612. [in Greek]

6. ‘The Moral and Political Dimension of the Ionian Constitution of 1817’, in Proceedings of the 6th International PanIonian Conference, Centre of Ionian Studies and Society of Zakynthian Studies, Athens 2001, pp. 403-412. [in Greek]

7. ‘Common Land Authority of Kythera: History and Politics’, forthcoming in Kythera: Myth and Reality, Proceedings of First International Conference of Kytherian Studies, University of Athens. [in Greek]

8. ‘The Constitutions of the Ionian Republic and the Concept of Liberty’, forthcoming in G. Moschopoulos (ed.), The Ionian Republic (1800-1807): 200 Years since Its Foundation, Society of Cephalonian Studies and the University of Patras. [in Greek]


1. 'Lying as a Moral Attitude', forthcoming in Philosophia (2003) [in Engish]

2. 'Religion and Politics in Ancient Greek Thought', paper in Michael Bakoukas's book entitled Max Weber on Ancient Greek Economy and Society, forthcoming, Kritiki University Publishers, Athens 2003. [in English]


‘Review of Fourth International Symposium of Philosophy and Inter-Disciplinary Research, “The Role of Philosophy in the Formation of a Unified Europe”, Ancient Olympia, 17-22/8/1992’, Greek Philosophical Review (1993), pp. 102-104. [in Greek]


A. MacIntyre, Dependent Rational Animals (Duckworth, 1999), forthcoming in Skepsis. [in English]


(to be submitted)

1. 'Alasdair MacIntyre on the Idea of an Educated Public', Journal of Philosophy of Education.

2. 'MacIntyre's Aristotelian Myth', Polis.


1. Concern for Others: Aristotle on Civic Friendship (monograph) [in English]

2. Proofs for the Existence of God: Ancient and Modern (anthology) [in English]


1. ‘Aristotle and Communitarianism’, paper presented at the VIIth International Symposium of Philosophy and Inter-Disciplinary Research, “Individual and Polis”, Ancient Olympia, Greece, August 13-17, 1996.

2. ‘MacIntyre's Reception of Aristotle in After Virtue’, paper presented at the Vth International Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI), “Memory and History: European Identity at the Millennium”, Utrecht, The Netherlands, August 19-24, 1996.

3. ‘Aristotelian Teleology and MacIntyre's After Virtue’, paper presented at the International Conference “Aristotle and Contemporary Science”, organised by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Organisation for the Cultural Capital of Europe: Thessaloniki 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 1-4, 1997.

4. ‘Friendship in the City: “When men are friends they have no need of justice”’, paper presented at the Northern Political Theory Association Meeting, University of Glasgow, August 30-31, 2001.


1. ‘Wisdom as a Virtue in Aristotle’, Fifth Postgraduate Seminar on Ancient Greek Moral Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Athens, 17 May 1993.

2. ‘The Socratic Paradox “Virtue is Knowledge” and the Possibility of Akrasia’, Postgraduate Seminar of the late Professor Theofilos Veikos, University of Athens, 28 February 1994.

3. ‘Justice as a Virtue and MacIntyre’s After Virtue’, Postgraduate Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University College London, 18 November 1996.

4. ‘MacIntyre and the Aristotelian Tradition’, Postgraduate Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Glasgow, 6 March 1998.

5. ‘The Liberal-Communitarian Debate’, Postgraduate Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Glasgow, 10 June 1998.

6. ‘Mill, Liberty and Pornography’, Postgraduate Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Glasgow, 4 December 1998.

7. ‘Aristotelian Conceptions of Liberty’, Postgraduate Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Glasgow, 10 March 2000.

8. ‘More on the Liberal-Communitarian Debate’, Postgraduate Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Glasgow, 2 February 2001.

9. ‘Friendship in the City: “When men are friends they have no need of justice”’, Postgraduate Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Glasgow, 11 May 2001.

10. ‘Concern for Others: Civic Friendship and Justice’, Glasgow Postgraduate Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Glasgow, 15 March 2002.


I organised a postgraduate reading group in the Glasgow Philosophy Department on A. MacIntyre, Dependent Rational Animals (Duckworth, 1999) in the academic year 1999-2000.


At the University of Glasgow I have given tutorials in moral and political philosophy, in philosophy of religion and in the Scottish Enlightenment. This year I am also lecturing in ‘1A: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy’ the part of the course called 'Moral Problems'.

In 1998-1999, I tutored ‘1C: Individuals and Society’. This dealt with Hobbes’ Leviathan, Mill’s Utilitarianism and On Liberty, and Marx’s political thought.

In 1999-2000, in 2000-2001, and in 2001-2002 I tutored ‘1A: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy’. This course concerned topics in ethics--applied, normative and meta-ethics.

In 1999-2000, and in 2000-2001 I tutored ‘1F: States and Citizens, Ancient and Modern’. This dealt with Plato’s political thought, especially in the Republic, and also with topics in contemporary political theory.

In 2001-2002 I tutored ‘1D: Philosophy of Religion’. This course deals with problems in the philosophy of religion, Berkeley’s philosophical theism and Islamic philosophy.

Also, I tutored ‘2M: Morality, Politics and Authenticity’. This course concerns topics in meta-ethics, existentialism, Locke’s political philosophy, Rousseau and logic.

In 2001-2002 I also supervised a Junior Honours dissertation on Aristotle's notion of friendship, and have advised one on moral philosophy and another on philosophy of education. I also taught a philosophy course in the Pre-University Summer School.

In 2002-2003 I am lecturing in ‘1A: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy’ the part of the course called 'Moral Problems' (life and death, killing and letting die, euthanasia, saving life, personal relationships, war and terrorism and animal rights). I am also tutoring ‘1A: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy’, ‘2M: Morality, Politics and Authenticity’ and '1E: Scottish Enlightenment'.

At the University of St Andrews I have given tutorials in moral philosophy and in philosophy of religion.

In 2001-2002 I have tutored ‘MP1001: Moral Problems and the History of Ethics’. This course concerned topics in applied ethics and in the history of ethics (Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Sextus, Butler, Kant, Nietzsche).

In 2001-2002 I tutored ‘MP1002: Moral Theories and the Philosophy of Religion”. This course covers moral theories (egoism, existentialism, consequentialism, etc.) and philosophy of religion.

At the University of Edinburgh I have tutored the ‘Honours Moral and Political Philosophy’ class (Rousseau, Dworkin, Hegel, and Consequentialism).

At the University of Athens in 2000-2001 I have taught, for the Department of Education, a seminar course in the philosophy of education and political philosophy for primary-school teachers upgrading their teacher’s qualifications to a University degree [as part of Dr. H. Babounis’s (lecturer in the Department of Education) course].

In 2002-2003 I am teaching a postgraduate course in the Department of Education, Division of Humanities on 'Political philosophy and education' (lecturer and convener). I am also lecturing on political philosophy in the Marasleion Institute of Education, Department of Education, University of Athens (lecturer and convener).

At University College, London I was involved as a tutor for first year philosophy and politics students and gave tutorials in a variety of topics in Plato, moral and political philosophy, and philosophy of mind.

Teaching Training: In September 1998, I attended a Training Session for Part Time Staff (Graduate Teaching Assistants, Tutors and Demonstrators) run by the University of Glasgow Teaching and Learning Services.

Also, as part of my BA degree I had to undertake training in teaching which gives me the official qualification of a secondary education teacher in Humanities under the laws of the Greek State.

IT Training: In September 2001, I attended a Training Session for Information Technology Tutors run by the University of Glasgow IT Training Unit. Since then, I have been a member of the Glasgow IT Training Unit and I have been teaching IT courses run by the University of Glasgow for students (Windows, Microsoft Outlook Express, Eudora, Pegasus, NIMS, Microsoft Word, World Wide Web, PowerPoint, Spreadsheets with Excel).


1. Greek: Native speaker

2. English: First Certificate in English, University of Cambridge (1987),

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), Princeton (1992),

Test of Spoken English (TSE), Princeton (1992).

3. French: Certificat de Langue Française, L' Institute Français d' Athènes (1987),

Certificat Pratique de Langue Française (1er Degrée),

Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV (1988).

4. German: Two years of private tuition (1989-1991)

5. Ancient Greek: Three years in Higher Education,

National Greek University Entrance Exam (Grade A),

Five Undergraduate Courses (as part of my MA Degree)

6. Latin: National Greek University Entrance Exam (Grade A)


International Society of Greek Philosophy, Society of Aristotelian Studies ‘The Lyceum’, The Aristotelian Society, British Society for Ethical Theory, and British Society for the History of Philosophy.

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