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Nicholas Aroney

Nicholas Aroney - Aroney Nicholas

Nicholas is married to Lisa Gwenneth (nee Grant). They have four children: Michelle Maree (12), Samuel Theodore (10), Nathaniel Thomas (7) and Josiah Emmanuel (2).

Kytherian heritage

"I'm the son of Theodore Nicholas Aroney and Helen Aroney (nee Fardoulis).

My paternal grandparents were Nicholas Theodore Aroney and Stella Aroney (nee Kepreotis).

My father's siblings are Victor Aroney and Helen Parry.

My maternal grandparents were Emmanuel Constantine Fardoulis and Gregoria Fardoulis (nee Cassimatis).

The parents of Emmanuel were Constantine and Eleni Fardoulis.

The parents of Gregoria were Petro and Maria Cassimatis.

My mother's siblings are Constantine Fardoulis, Petro Fardoulis and Maria Johnstone".

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Law
University of Queensland

Contact Details:
Room: W363
Building: GPN 3
Campus: St Lucia
Phone +61 7 3365 3053
Email: n.aroney@law.uq.edu.au

Availability: By Appointment - preferably made by email; Tuesday 4:00pm-6:00pm

Executive Summary: Nicholas Aroney teaches Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law and Legal Theory. He has published extensively in these fields, including recent publications in the Journal of Legal History and the Federal Law Review. He also speaks regularly at overseas and interstate conferences.

Dr Aroney's book Freedom of Speech in the Constitution (1998) has been widely reviewed, and his PhD thesis, which won the Mollie Holman Doctoral Medal at Monash University, is shortly to be published under the title, The Constitution of a Federal Commonwealth: The Making and Meaning of the Australian Constitution. He is also working on a further book, to be published by Ashgate Press (UK) under the title, Constitutional Federalism: Theory and Practice.

Dr Aroney came to the Law School in 1995 after working with a major national law firm and acting as a legal consultant in the field of Building and Construction Law.

Curriculum Vitae:

Educational History and Professional Qualifications

PhD.........Monash University......2001
Master of Laws (Research)University of Queensland....1994
Bachelor of Laws (Hons)...University of Queensland....1992
Bachelors of Arts.....University of NSW....1989

Employment History and Appointments

Consulting solicitor...Project Audit Ltd...1993-1995
Articled Clerk....Minter Ellison Solicitors...1991-1992

Research Interests:

Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, Federalism, Human Rights Law, Legal Theory, Legal History



Federal Constitutionalism: Theory and Interpretation, Ashgate Press, London

Freedom of Speech in the Constitution, Centre for Independent Studies,
Sydney, 1998 (201pp).


‘Freedom of Speech: Australia’, in J Black-Branch (ed), Comparative
International Human Rights, Volume 4: Free Speech and Expression, Ashgate
Press, London (forthcoming).

‘McCawley’s Case’ in G Winterton (ed), State Constitutional Landmarks, New
South Wales Sesquicentenary Committee, NSW Parliament, Sydney

‘The Griffith Doctrine: Orthodoxy and Heresy’ in M White and A Rahemtula
(eds), Queensland Judges on the High Court, Supreme Court of Queensland
Library, 2003.

‘Fiscal Competition', Scientific Summary of Conference Dialogue, in Raoul
Blindenbacher and Arnold Koller (eds), Federalism in a Changing World:
Learning from Each Other, International Conference on Federalism, McGill-
Queens University Press, Montreal, 2003.

‘Sir Samuel Griffith’s Vision of Australian Federalism’in M White and A
Rahemtula (eds), Sir Samuel Walker Griffith: The Law and the Constitution,
Thomson Law Book Co, Sydney, 2002.

‘Queensland’in HM Kritzer (ed), Legal Systems of the World: A Political,
Social and Cultural Encyclopedia, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA, 2002.

‘The Ghost in the Machine: Exorcising Engineers’in J Stone (ed), Upholding
the Australian Constitution, Volume 14, Samuel Griffith Society, Sydney,

Journal Articles

‘Another Constitution for Australia: The Bede Harris Proposal’(2003) 5(3)
Constitutional Law and Policy Review 51.

‘Fundamental Law and Constitutional Rights in India and Australia’(2003) 29
Indian Socio-Legal Journal 90.

‘A Commonwealth of commonwealths: Late nineteenth century conceptions
of federalism and their impact on Australian federation, 1890-1901’(2002)
23(3) The Journal of Legal History 253.

‘Imagining a Federal Commonwealth: Australian conceptions of federalism,
1890-1901’(2002) 30(2) Federal Law Review 265.

‘Mueller on European federation: A reply from the perspective of Australian
federalism’(2000) 105 Public Choice 255.

‘The Constitutional Demise of the Cross-Vesting Scheme’(1999) 7 Insolvency
Law Journal 116.

‘The Quebec Secession Reference’(1999) 1(4) Constitutional Law and Policy
Review 74.

‘A Public Choice: Federalism and the Prospects of a Republican
Preamble’(1999) 21 University of Queensland Law Journal 205.

‘Taking Liberty Seriously’(1998) 43 American Journal of Jurisprudence 205.

The Structure of Constitutional Revolutions: Are the Lange, Levy and Kruger
Decisions a Return to Normal Science?’(1998) 21(3) University of New South Wales Law Review 645.

‘The Gestative Propensity of Constitutional Implications’[Autumn 1997] Policy: A Journal of Public Policy and Ideas 26.

‘Representative Democracy Eclipsed? The Langer, Muldowney and McGinty
Decisions’ (1996) 19(1) University of Queensland Law Journal 75.

‘A Seductive Plausibility: Freedom of Speech in the Constitution’ (1995) 18(2)
University of Queensland Law Journal 249.


The Federal Commonwealth of Australia: A Study in the Formation of its Constitution
(PhD Thesis, School of Law, Monash University, 2001, 418pp). Supervisors:
Professors Jeffrey Goldsworthy, HP Lee and Suri Ratnapala. Examiners: Professors
Donald Kommers and George Winterton. Awarded Mollie Holman Doctoral Medal,
Monash University.

Freedom of Speech in the Constitution: Legal Reasoning, Constitutional Implications and the Role of the Judiciary (Master of Laws Thesis, School of Law, The University of Queensland, 1994, 196pp). Supervisor: Professor Gabriel Moens. Examiners:
Professors RD Lumb, CD Gilbert and DK Ong.

'Restrictions on Legal Advertising and the Constitutional Freedom of Political
Communication'. Paper presented to the Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association
National Conference, Coolum, October, 2003.

‘Althusius at the Antipodes: The Politica and Australian Federalism’. Paper
presented to the Symposium to Commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the
Publication of Johannes Althusius’s Politica Methodice Digesta, Johannes Althusius Gesellschaft, Herborn, Germany, June 2003. (To be published in conference

‘The Engineers Case: Time for a Change?’. Paper presented to the Fourteenth
Conference of The Samuel Griffith Society, Sydney, June, 2002.

‘Towards a General Theory of the Formation and Amendment of Federal Constitutions: A Comparative Study’. Paper presented to the Twentieth World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Amsterdam, June, 2001. (To be published in conference proceedings.)

Panellist, ‘The Role of Theory in Postgraduate Research’. Paper presented to
Advanced Legal Research Methodology Program, School of Law, University of
Queensland, September, 2001.

‘The Legal Context of American, Australian and Canadian Federalism: A
Comparative Perspective’. Paper presented to Creating the Federal Republic
Seminar, Supreme Court Historical Society, Washington DC, June, 2000.

‘The Freedom of Political Communication since Lange: Commentary’. Paper presented to the Public Law Weekend Conference, Australian National University,
November, 1999.

‘The Colonial Origins of American Federalism’. Paper presented to Law Schools of Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia), University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa, Alabama), University of Iowa (Iowa City, Iowa) and The Centre for the Study of Federalism, Temple University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), June-July, 1999.

‘Locke, Althusius and the Theoretical Grounds of the Modern Federal State’. Paper
presented to Political Thought after Liberalism Conference, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 27-29 June, 1999.

‘Federal Representation and the Republic’. Paper presented to Republic and the
States Conference, Heritage Hotel, Brisbane, 11 June 1998; also presented to
Papers in Progress Seminar, TC Beirne School of Law, The University of
Queensland, 1998.

‘Federalism and the Executive in a Republic’. Paper presented to Constitutional Centenary Foundation, Brisbane Town Hall, 17 November, 1997; also presented to the Queensland Law Society, Law Society House, 24 November, 1997.

‘Towards a Jurisprudence of Constitutional Implications: Legal Positivism and
Jusnaturalism in the Shadow of Liberal Constitutionalism’. Paper presented to
Annual National Conference of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy, June, 1996.

Review of JM Ward, The State and the People: Australian Federation and Nationmaking, 1870-1901 (edited by DM Schreuder and BH Fletcher with R Hutchison, The Federation Press, 2001) in [2002] Proctor (in press).

Review of H Patapan, Judging Democracy: The New Politics of the High Court of
Australia (Cambridge University Press, 2000) in [Autumn 2001] Policy: A Journal of
Public Policy and Ideas 53.

Review of G Winterton, HP Lee, A Glass and J Thomson, Australian Federal Constitutional Law: Commentaries and Materials (LBC Information Services, 1999),
(2000) 23(2) University of New South Wales Law Journal 380.

‘Text, common law and constitutional implications: A reply to Chesterman’ (1999) 4 Media and Arts Law Review 293.

Review of H Irving, To Constitute a Nation: A Cultural History of Australia’s
Constitution (Cambridge University Press, 1997) in [March 1999] Proctor 38.

Review of C Saunders, It’s your Constitution: Governing Australia Today (Federation Press, 1998) in (1998) 6(2) Australian Law Librarian 134.

Grants: Grants: New Staff Research Grant, ‘Theoretical Presuppositions and Necessary Implications in Constitutional Law', University of Queensland, 1996.
Awards: Mollie Holman Doctoral Medal, Monash University, 2002.

Teaching Interests: Consitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, Federalism, Human Rights Law, Legal Theroy, Legal History

Memberships: Solicitor, High Court of Australia and Supreme Court of Queensland.

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