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Kytherian Newsletter Sydney

Peter John Comino

15th April 1932 -13th June 2006, aged 74 years

Committee Member Kytherian Brotherhood of Australia 1988-1994

President, Kytherian Brotherhood of Australia 1994-1997

Peter John Comino was born in Rockhampton, to John Peter Comino (Perlegianika) and Sophia Venery (Drimona). Although a proud Queenslander, when asked where he was from his invariable reply was “Perlegianika, Kythera” and he later dubbed himself the “Perlegianika Kid”.

Peter spent his early years in Rockhampton, but after the premature death of his mother Sophia, when he was five, his father took him and his brother Manuel on a trip to Kythera. Whilst there, World War II erupted and the family was stranded on the island for the duration of the conflict.

The years on Kythera were formative ones, and Peter often recalled stories from this time. He recalled being known as the Australezo, and of the swimming races across the bay at Kapsali where he would easily beat the local kids. How being given an egg to eat and shoes were a luxury. He recounted the day the German army landed on Kythera and how the shudder of their marching boots shook him to his core, and how he was put into hiding from the Germans, alone, in a cave on the coast below Agia Ellessa, for six months. Always the larrikin on his last day in Greece, Peter jumped out the classroom window, yelling “See you in Australia mate!”

Back in Australia, Peter grew into a handsome young man and fell in love with Helen Notaras of Emu Park. He rode his bicycle from Rockhampton to Emu Park to court her and they married on 19th June 1955. They made a handsome and happy couple and their marriage lasted 51 years.

In 1963 Peter and Helen moved to Sydney as part of the Rockiite community that migrated to Sydney in the 60’s and 70’s. Peter undertook a variety of business ventures including coffee lounges and hotels.

In Sydney, Peter actively contributed to the Greek community, as a committee member and President of the Hellenic Club. He particularly enjoyed taking on brave and unsuspecting opponents for prefa and tavli. People adored him for his good nature and his positive aspect.

Peter served on the Committee of the Kytherian Brotherhood from 1988 to 1997 with the last three of these years as President. During this time he was instrumental in reviving the Friday night Greek dancing.

Peter loved the cricket. He loved the Broncos. But most of all he loved his family. Taking pride of place were his girls Sophia, Catherine and Jacqueline and his ten grandchildren: Marina-Portia, John, Eleni, & Alexandra; Nicholas, Peter & Byron; and his most recent additions Marielle, Panayioti & Mitchell who gave special meaning to his life in his last years. Peter’s sons-in-law, George Anthony, John Economos and George Caponas, and grandson-in-law to be, Scott Wharton, were very dear to him.

Peter suffered a major heart attack on the day of this year’s Kytherian Ball. With his health progressively failing over the ensuing few weeks, he made the very brave and beautiful decision to return home. He acknowledged his fate with clarity of mind and peaceful acceptance. He was nursed at home for his last five days and died peacefully in his room surrounded by all who loved him.

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