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Peter Makarthis

Peter Mottee Kempsey NSW Australia


Mr. Peter Mottee  1885 – 1942


Peter Constantine Mottee, head of the firm of Messrs. Mottee Bros. Kempsey, passed away in the hospital at Kempsey on Monday (4 May 1942), aged 57 years.


A fine man, Peter Mottee, quiet and unassuming, but possessed of a very happy and agreeable nature that endeared him to all who knew him. Well informed on many subjects, he was a very interesting man to talk to, and an able business executive. In common with his brothers he was markedly generous in regard to all charitable and patriotic activities and no call of such a nature was ever disregarded.

He was the son of the late Constantine Mottee and Mrs Mottee, of Cerigo where he was born. He came to Australia with his father in 1898, and a little later entered into business in Sydney. His brother George came to Australia in 1908 and James in 1912. In 1913 they started business in Warren, where they prospered, and were joined by Emanual Mottee in 1922. In 1919 deceased came to Kempsey with Mr George Mottee and purchased the late Mr, Jack Lahana’s Smith Street Café.


In 1923 the Warren business was disposed of, and in that year the Belgrave Street café was purchased from Mr. Devine and added to their Kempsey business. In 1925 they opened the fine, modern café in Smith Street and generously gave the initial takings to the Returned Soldiers, the money being used to erect the iron railing around the Memorial Monument in East Kempsey. In 1924 deceased went for a trip to Greece, and married Rene Simos, of Cerigo, a sister of Messrs. Simos Brothers, of the Paragon, Katoomba. He returned to Kempsey in 1926 and resumed his place in the partnership at Kempsey.


He is survived by his wife and three children, Colin (14), Anthy (11), and John (9); Messrs. James and George Mottee, of Kempsey and Emanual Motte of Cerigo, are the brothers, and Miss Coola Motte of Cerigo is the only sister.


When seized with a sudden illness some two months ago deceased went to Sydney to seek specialist’s advice, but his condition became rapidly worse and at his own request he was returned to Kempsey, Mrs. Mottee and Mr. James Mottee bringing him home.


His passing is deeply regretted by the whole of the Macleay community, and much sympathy is extended his wife and family and relatives in their sad bereavement.


The funeral, under conduct of Mr. Jos. T. Walker, took place to West Kempsey Church of England Cemetery on Tuesday (5th May), the attendance being large and very representative.. The Mayor, Town Clerk, Aldermen, the Shire President, the Manager and Directors Macleay River Co-op Dairying Co., Capt. Ellery, and other citizens, preceded the casket to the graveside and formed a guard of honour.


The Very Reverend the Archimandrite Chrysostom Boyazoglu, Greek Orthodox Church, officiated at a short service at the funeral parlour, and later delivered a very feeling address in the Greek language at a service in All Saints Church of England, where he was assisted by the Venerable Archdeacon A. B. Tress and Rev. Winslow, as also at the graveside. The casket was deeply laid in innumerable wreaths, symbolical in high regard in which the deceased was held. Mrs Tress was the organist at the Church Service.


 The carriers were Messrs. Arthur Jenkins (Tsigounis), James Masselos (Taree), Stan Costas (Wingham), Zacharias Simos ( Goulburn), John Zaunders (Taree), and John Balson (Kempsey). Among the many  mourners  from other districts we noted  Mr. and Mrs. J. Simos and daughter (Katoomba), Messrs. Peter and George Simos (Katoomba), nMr. Z Simos (Goulburn), Mr. Stan Costas Wingham), Mr. J. Zaunders (Taree), Mr. Jas. Masselos (Taree), Mr. George Poleiy (Macksville), Mr. and Mrs. Kolantaz (Bellingen), Mr. J. Souris (Repton), Mr. and Mrs. Katsoulis (Urunga), Mr. P. Gleeson (Coffs Harbour), Mr. C. Aroni, (Coffs Harbour), Mr. C. Samios (Coffs Harbour), and Mr. Peter Meltas (Coffs Harbour).

Among the scores of telegrams received by the Mottee Family on Tuesday were condolences from Mr. Vrisakis, Consul General for Greece; Mr. Cominos, President of the Greek Community; Archbishop Timotheos, Sydney; the C.W.A., Kempsey; Mr. Alex Grivas, Editor of the Greek news paper, Sydney; and Mr. Yannoulatas, lately Greek Consul in China.

Transcribed from The Macleay Chronicle (Kempsey) Wednesday 6 May 1942, by Peter C. McCarthy, Delungra NSW, 11 Feb 2020.

Another Obituary for Peter Mottee in the same vein, was published in the Macleay Argus Tuesday 5 May1942.

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