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Diamanta Souris


Wanting to work on a family tree for the Contoleons. I am a grand daughter of John (Yianni) and Diamanta Contoleon. I know my popou was the 3rd eldest of 11. His parents where Angelo (Evangelos)& Maria Contoleon. They were all from Viarathika.

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Martine Cox
on 14.07.2013

Hi Diamanta. My Popou was Nicholas, son to Angela and Maria. He moved over to Australia before WWII. Unfortunately, he passed away yesterday, which is what has made me come to this site. We have some of the family and the history. Would be interesting to see what you have and what we can share.

Samson Tsahiridis
on 02.02.2014

Hello, My great grandparents lived in Viaradika and were from there. My grandmother's father and mother were: John Kontoleon and he married Sofia Condoleon and they left the island in 1922 and emigrated to America. John Kontoleon's father was Pete Kontoleon and his mother was Grigoria Panaretos. My Great grandfather John or Ioannis had a father who must have been a doctor because his father actually delivered Sofia, my great grandmother. John and sofia were over ten years apart in age. I think they were actually 18 years apart and my great grandfather already had come to America and made his fortune and he went back to Kythera to woe my great grand mother Sofia but she did not want him but eventually married him. They took a world cruise and actually had a son born on that one-year cruise but the son died. After that, they went to America in 1922. That is all I know. If anyone can pick up on who exactly were the brothers and sisters of both my great grandparents, then please let me know. My grandmother did visit once to Kythera and did tell me that she met her father's brother and she said he was a very handsome man with blue eyes. I know my great grand father John did spell his last name Kontoleon so I do not know if he was from Viarathika originally and Sofia spelled her last name Contoleon or Condoleon but was from Viarathika. Please let me know their immediate families and some more history. Thanks! Samson Tsahiridis

Ruth Condoleon
on 20.04.2016

My Great Grandfather Menas Kontoleon married Maria Kassimatis in Kythera and they had five Children. My Grandfather John (Yianni) was born in 1900 in Kythera and married Helen Sweeper in 1920. He died in 1958. His Brothers William and Nicholas also came to Australia.

Adoni Poledicha
on 10.08.2016

My Great grand mother's name was Stella Kontoleon, who supposedly married a George Karpouza in Smyrna, Turkey. She was born around 1878-1883, she and her children became refugees as a result of the events back in 1922 that led to the mass exodus of Greeks from Smyrna and other places that Greeks resided in Micro Asia. She had 2 brothers, named George and Vassili and two sisters named Eleni and Dimitria. I am not sure where the Kontoleon surname began, and there is an assumption by me that perhaps my great grandmother Stella origins are from the Kontolianika village in Kythira. Could my great granmother be related to your family tree of Contoleon?