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Theo Megalokonomos

Theodoros " Kaponas"Megalokonomos & dynasty

Pappou Theodoros "Kaponas" Megalokonomos tou Mihalis ke tis Harikleias.
Greek Arhonto -Levento Kytherian.A real GENTLEMAN.
Leaved in Kythera at Agia pelagia .His house was next to kapsanis Super market .Was one of 9 kids and has a great and very large family and a huge " Kaponianiko dynasty" left behind when he died in 1993.
Will be treasured by all of his children ,grand children, and great grand children for ever.
He is a national Hero for Kythera because with his wooden boat's he managed to keep in life the population though wars, povetry ,Junda's,GOOD AND BAD TIMES...
Out of Dignity and respect to his Honourable name we will remember him and continue his legacies

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Theo Megalokonomos
on 24.02.2011

Any one with any information ,photo's, documents or anything that is related and is interesting regarding -reffering the life's of Theodoros "Kaponas " Megalokonomos from Agia Pelagia and this kaponaniko family -dynasty please will be very match apreciated and we will love to hear ,read ,and see it here . Time to start collecting and publising few valuable items,photo's, family tree documents and give this lovely" Kaponianiko " family from Agia pelagia -kythera the International recognition they deserve.Especially pappou Theodoros kaponas Megalokonomos and giagia Antiopi [who died during the WW2 time and we know very little about her life as well].Thanks

Gary Conomos
on 25.04.2021

Hi Theo. I believe that I am also a relative of Theodoros. I am certainly a member of the Kaponas clan. My grandfather Evaggolino was born in 1891 and died in 1983. He lived his later years in Agia Pelagia. His family business was the store immediately in front of the jetty. Evaggelino migrated to Queensland, Australia in 1907. He had three children with his German born de facto wife Auguste Illguth. He travelled to Kythera with Auguste and his children Ruby and Mick in 1924. In June 1924 Auguste returned to Toowoomba where my father Peter was born in December that year. I visited Kythera in 1972, 1973 and again in 1986. I recall seeing a wooden boat in Agia Pelagia. I was told that the captain of the boat was a relative. I guess that it was Theodoros. Unfortunately I did not get to meet him. My cousins Ian and Steven Perry have commenced compiling our family history. I would love to learn more about the Kaponianiko family. I hope to visit Kythera again in 2023. Hopefully we can meet then! Until then best wishes. Gary Conomos.