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Aharon Ben Yossef

Venardos is the same as Benardout ? As Greece is to Spain ?

I am the editor of a family web-site : benardoutlite.com which collates the known history of the Benardout family from Navarre in the 12th century, on to Aragon, Spain, until the Expulsion in 1492 to Ottoman Thessalonika and then, well before the Second World War, to England, France and thereafter to the USA, Australia and Israel.  I was approached a couple of years ago by members of the Venardos Family, ex-Zante/Zakyntos, as to whether we were not related.  After much research I found no substantial evidence of this although the indications were persistent.  Having now come upon this site, those indications are strengthened, so under the good old biblical principle of "Cast thy bread upon the waters" ask members if they have any information, - anything at all, - memories, rumours, hints or ideas which might help in our renewed research.  With Very Many Thanks - and Keep Safe !! 

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