Kavalini* house, Avlemonas.
In the decades following the unification of Greece in 1864, Kythera once again became the stop-over port of call for Austrian ships from Trieste, using Avlemona during winter, and Kapsali during the summer months.
The company was known as Lloyds of Trieste. A representative was appointed to the island by the name of Giovani Kavalini who also acted as Vice Consul at Kythera. The descendants of this man remained on the island for many generations and the name is evident today, with many residing in Kythera, Australia and other parts of the world.
The tomb of one of the original Kavalini family members can be found in a small cemetery outside St Spyridon’s Church at Kapsali.
The Triestian vessels continued their journey to Smyrna where a strong Kytherian community was flourishing. The Kavalini family played an important role in the history of trade on the island as they were the official import-export representatives for many years, with trade from Europe and the Greek mainland.
pp. 147-148. Kythera. A History. Peter Vanges, author.
* Also spelt Cavallini, Cavalinis, & Cavalenes