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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

100th Birthday Invitation for Stamatina Chlentzos

Stamatina Chlentzos (nee Mavromatis) was born in Christoforiankia in 1906. She married Angelo Chlentzos in 1931 and immigrated to America. They had two daughters; Tedde, and Jeanne.

See also:

Stamatina Chlentzos family

Wedding of Stamatoula Mavromati and Angelo Chlentzos 1931

Village Gathering 1

Village Gathering 2

Wedding of Stamatoula Mavromati and Angelo Chlentzos 1931

Panagiotis Chlentzos wedding records of 1826 and 1841

Genealogy of the Family Name Chlentzos

Kythera Connections

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