A Vision for the future. 1. A unified spirit of Kytheraismos amongst Kytherian Associations and Brotherhoods in Australlia.
2. A unified spirit of Kytheraismos amongst Kytherian Associations and Brotherhoods around the world
3. Unifying support for www.kythera-family.net amongst Kytherian Associations and Brotherhoods, in Australia, and around the world
On the 21st of September, 2006, I ventured to Brisbane, to present an outline of this vision, to the Committee of the Kytherian Association of Queensland.
The presentation was made at the Greek Club, in South Brisbane.
You can read the point-form of my powerpoint summary by "clicking" below:
Brisbane KAA Presentation.ppt
You can print out a hard copy. 6 slides per page is still readable.
Photographed above:
Left to right:
Peter Vamvakaris (cousin, Prof Man Aroney). Parachoukli - Maridakis
Peter Samios (President). Parachoukli - Firopoulos
Angela Hack (Secretary)
George C Poulos, Karavas, Hlihlis
Sia (Saki) Poteri (Treasurer). (Milopotamos), Parachoukli Bulldee
Dr Nick Leon (Leontsinis, cousin to Prof George). tis Fanis. No official Parachoukli, but locked into the name Fani
Anthony Masselos
Peter Cassimatis, of the Queensland Committee, and Dr Nick Conimos and John Carras - from the Brisbane Kytheraismos Committee, were also present.
The duration of the presentation was 2 hours. [I listened as much as I spoke, as many members of the Qld Excecutive had many insights and ideas that they wished to convey to me.]
As is the case whenever Kytherians meet - the reception I received was very warm and open, as can be gauged from the photo.
The proposals I made are simple - and most importantly - "do-able".
If anyone has any ideas that will enhance their "do-ability" - please advise.
These are important initiatives which must be followed up expiditiously, and conscientiously.