A.H.E.P.A. One of 2 originating meetings.
Meeting of *A.H.E.P.A. Scone, N.S.W. 22nd May, 1935.
*Australian Hellenic Educational Progressive Association.
The majority of persons who originated A.H.E.P.A. in Australia, derived from Kythera.
In an entry under General History, entitled, "Northern NSW - 9. Lower New England, Peter Tsicalas informs us, that "..In August 1934, Werris Creek, for some obscure reason, was chosen as the venue for the first meeting to form AHEPA. The get-together was initiated by Nick Harry Andronicos of Scone and Jim George Zantiotis of Warialda who rounded up the "usual suspects". The 32 attending Greeks elected the following committee: Nick Andronicos (President), Lambros Megaloconomos and Phillip Feros (Vice Presidents), Chris Souris (Secretary), Jim Zantiotis (Asst Sec) and Lambros Souris (Treasurer), with Emmanuel Kypriotis, Harry Fardouly, Angelo Christianos, John Moulos, Nick Feros, Peter Kypriotis, Sarantos Souris, Dimitrios Catsoulis, Emmanuel Aroney and Anthony Barboutis, as non executive members".
In another entry at kythera-family, at Cafes Shops and Cinemas, entitled, Civic Theatre, Scone, Professor Minas Coroneo informs us that "..The originators of AHEPA in Australia were Greek shopkeepers in NSW country towns. Its primary objective was “to revive and marshal into active service for Australia the noblest attributes of Hellenism”. There is a photo taken at this meeting and I believe my father was there and took some notice of this aim."
Eleni Dedes recalls, (See entry under History, subsection Oral History, regarding ... "A.H.E.P.A. ..One Sunday a month, they'd arrange to go to a different town. The men would have a meeting in the afternoon, and, at night, they would sort of have a party and dance. That's how young people got to know each other".