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Tasso John Conomos

Ann Condas 1983

Ann (Tasia) Conomos Condas; scholar and educator at age 47.
Ann was from Castro Valley, California. Former president of the Kytherian Society of California,
Ann passed away in December of 2004. She is dearly missed.

See also:

Conomos Family visits Kythera 2004

Anastacia Conomos Condas

John Conomos Family - California

Anastasia (Ann) Conomos Condas

Eulogy to a great President

Biography of Anne (Tasia) Conomos Condas

Invitation Californian Kytherians Jan. 4 2004

Anne Conomos Condas

Kytherian-American Immigrants

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1 Comment

Lisa West
on 07.12.2011

This is very sad news to me. I needed to thank this wonderful lady, my High School Teacher--Ann Condas for being the only reason I could read well enough to begin college in the 90s. I loved this lady dearly, and really wanted her to know the difference she made in my life. I now have two BS degrees, and I am also a teacher. I graduated from Del Amigo in 1978, but I attended Monte Vista for two years. She was the best teacher, I learned a lot from her. I use some of her tactics in my own classes. I was a "hard to reach kid" she was the only teacher who reached me, and I would do anything for. I am proud to be the same kind and wonderful teacher to my students, as she was to me. Thank you Anne, I will forever have you in my heart, Love Lisa