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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Chlentzos Family Reunion - May 28, 2011, Snohomish, WA, USA

On May 28, 2011, Vikki Vrettos Fraioli and Terry Chlentzos Keramaris ventured to Snohomish, Washington to meet up with Chlentzos cousins they’d never met before.
Terry had been communicating with cousin Sandy Chlentzos Ferguson, daughter of Angelo D. Chlentzos, for almost 2 years when she decided to take a trip up to Washington to pay a visit. When Vikki heard this she wasn’t about to be left behind and decided to come along. It wasn’t long after that cousins Ketih (son of Aunt Barbara Chlentzos Adkins), from Bellflower, CA and wife Candy decided to join in, as well as Pete Clentzos Jr., son of Uncle Pete, from Laguna Beach, CA.
Vikki contacted the Washington Chlentzos-Bellecy clan and invited them to come along.
Terry flew from Santa Barbara, CA to San Francisco, where she met Vikki and the two flew to Seattle, WA.
Sandy and her sister Beatrice, from Sequem, went to work organizing the reunion up north. They procured the banquet room at Alfy’s Pizza Parlor in Snohomish for the entire afternoon of May 29, 2011. Bea went to work creating banners and making table decorations out of old photographs. They ordered a cake decorated with a photo of Diamandis Chlentzos’ family on top and Sandy organized activities for the kids. Vikki and Terry came prepared with the Chlentzos Family Tree, old photographs, DVDs, and books from Kythera to share with the relatives.
All in all it was a wonderful weekend filled with new friendships, love, and excitement.
Just one more stop on Terry and Vikki's World Kytherian Tour....

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