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Gaye Hegeman

Congratulations! 100th birthday - 28th February 2012

Iris Andronicos celebrated her 100th birthday yesterday at her home in the Brisbane suburb of Taringa, in the company of family and friends. Iris is the widow of George T. Andronicos, son of Theo G. Andronicos (Potamos) who arrived in Sydney in 1897. Seated to her right is her sister-in-law, Rene Cook (nee Andronicos) aged 92, younger sister of George.

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Samantha Crawford, nee Andronicos
on 01.05.2017

Iris is my Great(?) Grandmother. When my Dad (Gary Andronicos) passed away i lost contact with his side of the family. I have made attempts to contact them recently but with no luck. It's great that i have found some information on my family and would like to thank you for making this available.