Extensions. 12 Poems in Music
By Helen Zerefos OAM and Evaggelos Papageorgiou
On Sunday, 3rd November, 2013, the Kytherian Association of Australia presented our Kytherian Lady of Song, Helen Zerefos, in concert at the Westside Reception Lounge in Marrickville.
Helen enchanted a crowd of over 250 people with a number of songs, the words of which came from poems written by His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in Australia, some time ago.
Helen and composer/musician Evaggelos Papageorgiou along with the musical director, Steven Isouardi provided the audience with an amazing afternoon of beautiful music and song, captivating everyone’s attention. It was like being in the Opera House at a Gala performance.
Special guests included the new Consul General of Greece in Sydney, Dr. Stavros Kyrimis, the Vice-president of the Inter-communities Council of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, Mr. Paul Psanis, the Hon. Marie Ficarra MLC (Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier), the Hon. David Clarke MLC (Parliamentary Secretary for Justice), Rev. the Hon. Fred Nile OAM and Mr. Vincent de Luca OAM. Also present was Fr. Constantine Varipatis and representing His Eminence, Dimitri Kepreotes who spoke so eloquently and from the heart about the significance of bringing to life the thoughts of His Eminence.
The production of the CD of these wonderful songs over several years would not have been possible without the financial backing of Peter and Helen Magiros and all those involved are very thankful for their support.
Following the concert, patrons were offered fresh prawns, oysters, Danish fetta and champagne as well as dried fruits and nuts supplied by Peter and Helen Magiros of Frutex Australia while Poppy Doumanis provided wonderful homemade Greek sweets.
Matina Samios, Mary Moutzouris and Kathy Samios of the Ladies’ Auxiliary as always, apart from bringing delicious pita and fruit platters, assisted during the afternoon. Thank you.
The Kytherian Association on behalf of all present would like to thank Mr. George Hatzipis and his daughter Miranda for donating the drinks and light refreshments and the use of their lovely venue of Westside Reception Lounge.
I would also like to thank members of the KAA committee; Kathy Samios, George Giaouris, George Poulos, Theo Poulos, Michael Mallos for their help in ensuring that the function was a great success. Thank you to Vicky Poulos and Kathy Kepreotis for manning the ticket sales at the front desk. And a special thank you to Peter Samios for being MC for the afternoon.
CDs of these beautiful songs were also sold on the day and can be ordered from the Kytherian Association of Australia for $25.00 plus postage. They would make great Christmas presents.
Proceeds from the event were donated to Helen’s charity, Alzheimer’s Research and to the KAA Aged Care Trust for those who cannot take care of themselves.
Victor Kepreotis,
Kytherian Association of Australia
View / download the O Kosmos article of the event (in Greek), here:
Zerefos concert 2.pdf