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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

George C Poulos in Santa Barbara

During George's visit to California, we stopped in Santa Barbara and enjoyed a Birthday Dinner Celebration with the Morelli clan.
Above, George looks at old photographs in Alex Morelli's (nee Feros) photo alubm where he recongizes Alex's Australian relies.

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George Poulos
on 03.09.2007

The couple in the photograph to which I am pointing are Alexandra and Jim Feros, originally from Mitata. Jim would later establish a shop in Lithgow in NSW. He eventually moved to Sydney; working there for some time, before retiring. Alexandra is about 20 years of age in the photo I am perusing. Alexandra married George Peter (Proto)Psaltis, from Potamos, and they settled in the Central Western New South Wales town of Gilgandra, where they established a Cafe, and a Milk Bar (USA - Soda Fountain). I grew up with their children, Helen, Peter & Arnie. Peter was born 2 days after me in 1952, and we grew up together. I remember many leisurely afternoons spent in the "Psaltis" house in Wrigley Street. Alexandra was in many ways a second "mother-figure" to me. I was amazed to find the whole history of the Feros family (including Alexandra and Jim's other sister Maria) - in the photo album I am holding. The family history of the three families had been collated "photographically" over many decades, and 3 generations. Future weddings and christenings of the descendants of the three families all appear there. I was amazed to find such a chronicle in Santa Barbara, USA. Just another example of K-synch, Kytherian synchronicity; those delightful "lucky" coincidences that occur; when you are following your Kytherian roots and connections.