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George Poulos

Greek Baptism in Casino 1916

Names of those participating at this 1916 baptism are not provided.

Can anyone help identify any of the participants?

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Thanks to Maria Hill, for allowing us to reproduce Kytherian photographs at kythera-family.

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1 Comment

Peter Tsicalas
on 15.05.2004

I suspect this took place around 28Jul1916 when Fr Dimitrios Marinakis was in town for the Cordatos/Minocue wedding. Most of the people in the photo were probably wedding guests and rellies from further afield. Known Casino females and children around at the time were Cornelia Cordato (nee Chambiras), aged 30, and children Catherine (6), Hariklia (5) and Emmanuel (3), and of course Anthie Minucoe of Kyogle. The Theo Catsoulis family earlier of Casino may also have brought their children to the wedding. (Harry born 1910 Casino, Maria born 1912 Bellingen, Con born 1915 Bellingen and George born 1916 Aberdeen) Also in 1916, Angelo Gengos married Angela Trifilly at Inverell, while Vasilios and Calliopi Gengos had children George (1914), Arhonto (1915) and Spiro (1916) all born Inverell. At Glen Innes George and Georgina Comino begat daughter Annie in 1915. It’s a fair bet that Fr Marinakis married/baptised this lot in conjunction with the Casino ceremonies during one recruiting sweep through northern NSW in 1916.